Digital Marketing: Are You and Your MGA Riding This Wave?

Digital Marketing Are You and Your MGA Riding This Wave

The Digital Age has officially swept the insurance industry, transforming the way we stay in touch with our customers and find new prospects. It’s also changing the ways that prospects come across us, too.

The positive side is that digital marketing can be the most effective marketing tool for acquiring clients that the industry has ever experienced allowing you to create leads more quickly, with less effort, and cost-effectively.

It’s crucial that you, and the Managing General Agency (MGA)-understand how digital tools can be used to boost sales and build relationships with clients already in place.

Power of Search Power of Search

Google search is now the primary method by which consumers locate insurance providers. According to a new comScore study, titled Online Auto Insurance Shopping and Service Reports:

Eighty percent of U.S. consumers purchased auto insurance without a broker, prior to doing a search on the internet for details.
The majority of consumers decided to purchase their insurance from an insurance agent in the local area.
While consumers appear to enjoy shopping, and even comparing choices online, they need someone to help them with their questions and assist them to make the purchase.

Enhancing Results of Search

The website you have created is the center of all your digital activities, therefore it must appear modern and professional. Your website must also integrate with a customer relations management (CRM) system that can automatically load the latest contacts to your database. It also creates reminders, aids in managing your pipeline, and creates email marketing campaigns. These are the fundamentals.

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To make the most of the trend of shifting consumers towards the Web Your site must be

Search engine optimized for your region and city by using tags and keywords that give you visibility in search results specific to your local region. Optimization is the key to the highest rankings and traffic to your website. Your rankings eventually will increase organically or organically, as your site gets more traffic.

It is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign, which puts your site at the top of the results from paid search engines. When you visit Google Have you noticed the three or two results that show up on the first page of search results and have yellow backgrounds? or the results list that appears in the right-hand sidebar? These are all paid advertisements for companies that are based on the keywords you typed into. Insurance companies typically advertise on a regular basis, but as a flexible method to enhance organic results. Your MGA is expected to determine the volume of pricing through an online pay-per-click service that will be able to serve all of their independent agents.

The importance of staying top of mind

The comScore study of the purchase of auto insurance also found that 63 percent of customers “rarely” communicate with their insurance company in person. This is an enormous opportunity to restore the personal touch to insurance.

E-mail marketing and social media are great ways to stay in contact with your clients. A majority of people love the occasional email newsletter, provided that it has relevant information and is short and easy to comprehend. E-newsletters can trigger immediate phone calls from customers and potential customers, or be handed out to family members and friends with insurance needs. Be sure that your MGA offers access to the best system for insurance agencies and CRM software to assist in automatizing certain aspects of your marketing via e-mail.

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Social media, like Twitter or Facebook, can assist you to establish a rapport with your customers. Keep in mind that social media isn’t an instrument for direct sales. Its aim is to the public, educate and connect with customers in a genuine way. For this, you can post interesting content, announce community events, respond to questions, or provide a freebie for new followers or customers. Remember to be responsive. Keep the conversation going by asking questions that stimulate your mind or polls.

Select an MGA that is Digital

If you’re thinking about ways to begin an insurance company or expand your existing one The use of cutting-edge technology in digital marketing can distinguish you from your competitors and help you generate greater sales leads for less cost. Choose an MGA who knows what it is doing in terms of digital marketing, and can assist you to navigate this relatively unexplored but profitable field.