How to Create Business Momentum

How to Create Business Momentum

Imagine a steam engine waiting in the station. It’s time to go. The engineer turns on the throttle. What happens? The wheels at first don’t turn. The train doesn’t move an inch. Then suddenly the wheels stop and start to grip the rails. At first, it’s slow the engine starts to move. If you were to rush to catch it you’d most likely be unable to catch it. It’s because, by that time, it’d gained momentum.
Momentum refers to something that is moving. Once it starts to move and continues to move, it will not stop until it is stopped by something else.

What are you looking for to build momentum in your business? There are three elements.

1. The major drive

This was depicted in the first paragraph of the article. However, in case you find it difficult to comprehend it Here is some additional examples. The next time, you’re watching the spaceship launch. When it’s over the countdown, you’ll hear the main engine starting, and for a brief moment after the fires have finished flying out but there’s nothing happening. In a split second, it appears that the spacecraft be suspended just a few feet from the earth.

I’m sure of watching television news reports about several failed attempts at rocket launches that NASA faced. Despite the fires that exploded out of them, the rockets were unable to get off the launchpad. They’d hover for a moment or two, then land on the ground. This is because they didn’t have the massive push.

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When you are first starting your company, you must provide it with the maximum possible push. Keep in mind that you’re trying to make a change in something that has come from the point of no return. Imagine the intensity you see when you watch sprinters race the 100m sprint. It’s only in the final few hundredths of a second when they appear to be able to accelerate to their cruising speed.

2. In the absence of any resistance,

there is nothing to stop something that’s moving because there is no resistance. That is there’s nothing to stop the process from continuing forever. In the world of business, there’s an endless amount of people and events that are determined to derail whatever you do. After you have given your business a huge boost and you want to keep feeding it to ensure it continues to grow. This is the main reason firms market themselves, or come up with new products or services.

3. Corrections to the course

The most effective corrections are those that are minimal. Imagine driving in a car. The majority of the time, you don’t even realize that you’re moving the wheel a bit towards the left, or right. You’re making small adjustments to the direction your vehicle is moving in to make it go more or than straight. Sometimes, you’ll have to pivot sharply in order to avoid a roadblock and you’ve been trying to stay clear of doing it. Why? because it disrupts the flow, and can also make the process of returning to smaller corrections more difficult in the short run.

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