Success Strategies For Boomer Entrepreneurs – Part I: STOP! What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

Success Strategies For Boomer Entrepreneurs - Part I STOP! What Are Your Non-Negotiables

It is no doubt that entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in those in the boomer age. There are a variety of reasons that are behind this trend -including the ever-growing numbers of Boomers who have the desire, time, and financial autonomy to push this generation to venture independently and pursue careers in creative that were previously impossible or out of reach. Boomers are beginning to realize that they actually have the ability to build an exciting final third of their lives, pursuing a financial ambition and a passion for work at their own pace and at their own pace.

But be patient! Take a moment! As an older Boomer, you’ve had enough financial, personal, career, and career-related setbacks to know that nothing worthwhile is straightforward, that the way toward success, no matter how each one of us defines it, is filled with hidden minefields strategically placed and that you must take your time, conduct your research, and test multiple times before you launch into the world of entrepreneurialism.

For starters, STOP! Set out your non-negotiables and resolve not to compromise these! Begin by identifying the “non-budge areas of your life that you are at the moment in your life you’re not willing to give up, or not give up, regardless of the cost. For instance –

The most important thing is that as a couple, you won’t travel as a couple anymore!

For the majority of your marriage life, the couple only saw one another only occasionally. It was a commuter relationship due to both jobs requiring frequent travel. You had mastered the art of managing working schedules, flight schedules, as well as rendezvous points. You had a first-name deal with desk staff and also accumulated a large number of frequent travel miles. You’re now connected at the hip, and you’d rather have this way of life.

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The second non-negotiable item is that you have eliminated winter from your life.

In the snow belt in your prime when you were a child, your family grew in the excitement and fun of ice skating, skiing as well as sledding, sliding, and skiing. As boomers, we have been able to relocate towards the sunbelt, and the closest you’ll ever like to get to an actual snowflake is in the news at night or in a greeting card from your snow-belt family and acquaintances. It does not winter at any time or any place.

The third and final item is that you’re allergic to cats.

When you’re around cats, the area, your eyes water as your ears itch, you experience a coughing sound, and your clothes draw magnetic hair and fur. The promise of success in business is worth the risk of coming into contact with these feline creatures who, according to you, are conspiring to target you as an unhelpful and hopeless victim.

What are your essentials that are not negotiable? It is essential to establish these prior to the time. Be transparent with yourself about what you want to achieve is possible and what you cannot do accept, or what you will or will not sacrifice, and let go and surrender. If you don’t, you run the risk of delaying your chances of success.

For Parts II, III, and IV, we’ll speak about three additional strategies to will ensure your success in launching your Boomer business idea:

Part II: LISTEN! Competition Is Everywhere!
Part III: LOOK! Flood Light? No! Laser Beam? Yes!
Part IV: Do A SELFIE! Do you have all the ingredients?

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