If there’s one IT buzzword that is getting everyone excited today and isn’t it “Big Data.” The concept of Big Data is that with the right tools, businesses can examine all of the information they get from different streams and put it all together to answer critical business issues. In the end, the significance of technology in information is a reality for every enterprise. To perform Big Data operations, you require the correct database. Hadoop is an open-source database that is perfect for handling big data, which CIOs are ecstatic about. But is it essential to be?
What can you do with Hadoop to accomplish?
Perhaps, just like the rest of us with this CIO job, will view every latest IT trend with a touch of a sneer. What’s new? Something promise to fix all my issues? It’s true that in this situation, Hadoop is most likely something you ought to, at the very least, look into. Every IT department is overwhelmed by the amount of data that flows through the front doors. Hadoop is an open-source database that offers the chance to keep track of the flood of information and to understand it.
What makes Hadoop distinct and unique from traditional databases is that it’s able to distribute its uncategorized data across a vast system of thousands and thousands of low-cost computers. The result is that processing the data of your company has just become a lot less expensive.
If you have the Hadoop solution running within your IT department, then you can process the data you’re being receiving at a rapid pace. It is possible to use the mobile phone, social media data, and customer purchasing histories to make unique products. It’s impressive stuff, but there are a few bumps along the road, as CIOs are discovering.
What are the main issues CIOs are Having with Hadoop?
One of the most significant issues that CIOs face in their Hadoop projects is that too often, these kinds of projects will simply fail. Researchers at the firm Gartner have reported that until 2017 they anticipate the 60% chance that big data projects will fail to extend beyond the piloting phase and the experimentation phase and be put on hold.
Another problem CIOs are finding is that the environment in which Hadoop lives is entirely new. But, the vast majority of information that is stored within the organization is stored in old enterprise databases. Combining these two systems is going to be more difficult than everyone imagined it could be. Making a single, unified data storage system for the company which handles both new and old data is a massive and complicated task.
In the end, even though Hadoop is a robust database system, it’s apparent that it does not possess the power required to power enterprise-wide applications. What CIOs are finding out is that while Hadoop might be more efficient than other traditional databases they are employing, it might not have the speed to handle information coming in immediately or to handle an enormous number of concurrent queries. This could lead to severe limitations as to where and when the Hadoop solution can be utilized in an enterprise.
What does all Of This Mean For You?
CEOs, as well as those in the CIO post, have been convinced they are in the right place to see that the future growth of IT is based on Big Data. Everyone wants to examine the vast amount of data the business is gathering and then make use of it to answer crucial business issues. But, to achieve this, particular databases like Hadoop need to be utilized, and this can cause issues.
CIOs are required to build Hadoop databases to store massive amounts of unstructured corporate data. Their aim is to be able to search through the data in real-time in order to locate answers to the most pressing questions. But what they’re finding is that it can be a challenge to find a Hadoop database to connect with existing databases of the company. In addition, Hadoop is not set to handle real-time operations. These issues are causing a lot of IT big data projects to never leave the lab.
Hadoop is a revolutionary new software for CIOs to utilize to comprehend the data they are able to access. But, Hadoop is brand new, and all the bugs haven’t yet been figured out. This is why CIOs must be cautious not to over-promise and under-deliver in their expectations of the things they expect their IT department can achieve using Hadoop. Utilize Hadoop in a laboratory setting and then begin to experiment using it to discover the benefits it could bring to your business. It’s going to do much more for you later on, and you’ll need to be prepared when the day comes!