The Secret To Keeping Magic Alive In Your Small Business

The Secret To Keeping Magic Alive In Your Small Business

An Intensive Business Development Crash Course from Disneyland:

1.) Create a clear value proposition

Disneyland is aware of its desire to become the “happiest spot on the planet,” and everything that happens at Disneyland communicates this aim. In everything from parades and characters with smiles that never cease to be happy and who autograph autographs, hug, and high-five kids throughout the day, Disney understands every family will leave with a “fun and unforgettable day.” What are the main impressions you hope your customers take away from their interactions with your business? Are these woven into the entire customer experience?

2.) Don’t skimp on the Specifics 2) Don’t skimp on the details

The rides at Disney are well-designed and implemented; however, even the waiting lines are designed to make it appear shorter with rides-specific layouts and funnies. When we went on a few rides, we made it to the principal attraction. I was sad to miss the prelude to the ride, which could be equally enjoyable. You must ensure that your customer’s overall experience is well-designed and consistent from the first interaction to the moment they purchase the product or close your contract. Reconsider your approach and think about how it would be to experience your company’s procedure as a customer would. (e.g., maybe anonymously call your customer support number and check how quickly your issue is addressed.)

3.) Make Expectations Accurate –

To keep my frightened boys in one of the long Disney lines, I thought of coming up with the idea of a contest to see who could be the most accurate in guessing the wait time from the point we were standing until actually getting on the ride. Everyone was able to guess, and then I used my timer on my watch to decide who was the “winner” as well as the “losers”, were from my very ingenious game (Note that the game was successful, and it became an honorary badge for my boys.) My guesses were generally extremely optimistic; Disney wasn’t; if you stake your bets on the sign on the ride telling that the wait time was “from the moment you get there,” you were most times within a few minutes of the real-time. Make sure you keep your word to your customers regarding time, money, and all other things, as that’s the main reason for repeated company and referrals.

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4) Don’t Be Afraid To Innovate –

In the past few years, Disney launched Single Rider Lines. This gives the single traveler or a group that is willing to divide into groups to take a ride faster, dependent on the number of seats left empty when the vehicles are filled. What Disney has come up with is a win-win solution. For those whose primary goal is speedier travel, it is possible to sit with strangers and have less wait time. For all other people, there’s nothing wrong with having a larger vehicle. Are there ways your business could easily provide clients with more customers without altering the level of service offered to current customers? It could be a winning solution to a more steady cash flow.

5) Create Magic –

I’ve been to a variety of theme amusement parks as well as theme parks (what could I possibly say? I am a huge fan of rides!) Many of them are very well-designed. However, there isn’t a single one that gives the magic of Disney. From the parades with the dance and music to the fireworks to the stylish shops that line Main St., Disney provides an experience that is truly encompassing and unique. What is truly unique about your company? What are your customers saying about you? What makes you stand out?

Although I’m sure you’re not likely to run the gigantic company that’s Disney, it’s worth thinking about whether your business is special and what you can improve it. To help you think to think about this, Here’s a quick task to complete in the coming week:

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Ask your customers or customers 3-5 times, “What does it stand out to you about my business, ________?”

Not only will you be able to learn that your customers see that same value-added proposition as you have in your company, but you will be creating great dialogue and feedback that will help you to boost your business’s growth and ultimately lead to greater business success.