The Lonely Truth About Entrepreneurs


The Lonely Truth About Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Alike

There are many kinds of entrepreneurs, from the little boy who sells lemonade in the street and the stay-at-home-home mom who writes for money.

Entrepreneurs hail from all walks of life and form a core group of people who want more in their lives. It’s not to say that the traditional, hardworking class citizens aren’t important; however, it is merely that entrepreneurs need a “little more” in the event that they need to.

They work for no reason other than they’re paid but are doing it simply because they are confident in the work they do. They’re striving for something higher than themselves, and they see the world in a special way.

When one person is looking at the disaster entrepreneurs, see the opportunity.

However, opportunity comes with an expense.


Success begins with an idea, and after that, it is implemented; this is known as the process. The process repeatedly repeats until the desired outcome is attained.

How often do we get awed over the whole process? Never.

We are awestruck by the dunks Lebron James makes, and we can’t forget the winning shot Michael Jordan made, and take a seat on our seats watching Kobe Bryant close yet another game in the fourth quarter, yet we ignore the journey required to bring these amazing athletes to the top of their game.

We don’t speak about their hours of training, late-night training sessions, or the training at 5 am. We don’t discuss how often they watched their foes in team filming sessions for an edge.

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We just… sit and wait to see” the “show” and then discuss the show.

The same process that entrepreneurs have to go through. Every entrepreneur in the world today will share that their journey to success is a struggle physically, mentally exhausting, and emotionally demanding.

Contrary to the NBA in that, it is more than just a sport. It’s the way of life.

There aren’t any newscasters to document our progress to the top, there are no team training sessions where camaraderie could be built, and certainly, there is no coach to keep us accountable. We have only us, our convictions and thoughts, as well as the desire to achieve something more than we can imagine.

We work until our minds are unable to handle any more. Then we repeat it over and over again as we watch another person reach the top, and we think to ourselves..”if the guy is capable of doing it, surely I.”

However, the process comes with a cost.

Lonely Valleys

The valleys are low high, vast, and deep in the realm of entrepreneurship. Nobody cares about what you’re about, who you are and what you’ve done, or what you’ve said you’re capable of doing. All that matters, as with other things in life, is the results.

The results, as you’re aware, do not come instantly. It takes time. Because time is something that many people dislike, particularly when you’re not earning the amount of money you expected, it can be a hassle.

Parents are frustrated when their child or son seems to be in a state of numbness and “staring at the laptop for hours.” They encourage the old-fashioned methods of working and send applications for jobs at home, believing that they are in your best interest in their minds.

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Entrepreneurs are often discouraged that support from family members isn’t available, and as a result, doubt will begin to creep in. The thought that was once feasible now seems impossible and has dissolved into air.

“What is it that I’m doing?” the entrepreneur asks himself. It appears hopeless..until…

Inspiration Station

Inspiration can come in a variety of forms, styles, and forms for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are able to look beyond material things and seek happiness in the most exquisite aspects of life. They appreciate the beauty of the simplicity of life.

This is the reason Mark Zuckerberg, found of Facebook, is living in a humble home situated in Palo Alto, California, even when he’s a billionaire. That’s the reason why motivational and inspirational speaker Jim Rohn only had an estimated net worth of $2 million when the time he died.

The money was simply an outcome of the larger vision they had. They were working for a cause and not to get an increase.

The motivation that entrepreneurs find in these low valleys propels them to take action with a greater conviction than before.

Negative thoughts are wiped out the same way they arrived. All hopes are restored. Entrepreneurs then say, “knowing what I’ve learned now, and I’ll never quit.”

The Big Event

For many entrepreneurs, the main occasion never happens. The journey turns into the main occasion. Entrepreneurs love long, lonely nights. They believe in the possibilities and believe that the process produces the best results.

One-hit wonders come a dime a dozen in entrepreneurial Ville. If you’re considering making the leap to become an entrepreneur, be aware that it’s not an easy path, and there are many challenges ahead.

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However, if you are able to over the challenges and if you’re able to build the strength to keep going even when family members or friends and family members doubt you… or even at the point at which you question yourself..then maybe..just could be successful.