Procrastination is an exercise in managing your energy levels; the issue is not managing time. If you don’t, you can place that project that you’ve avoided on your list of things to do to prioritize it and then actually complete it. But that doesn’t happen in this way, do you think?
If you’re putting off a task, there’s a part of you that would like to complete the task (because you’re convinced it’s going to benefit your business), while another part of you would prefer to avoid doing it. The not doing part is the winning part.
The price is very high. In a practical sense, the business is harmed when you’re not completing something crucial. On a personal scale, you’re spending much of your time delaying the task altogether and not even contemplating it. You feel guilty because you’re putting off the task, and it can affect your self-esteem of yours. In the end, if you continually put off something, you may feel sad and pessimistic rather than optimistic and joyful.
I had an AHA moment in which I realized that my primary method of procrastination was a perfectionist one I delay tasks until I am able to complete them with perfection (I have everything I require and the appropriate timing).
Understanding my behavior let me know when I was delaying my work and, more importantly, why I was putting off my work. Armed with this information, I was able to think about the issue and finally get things accomplished!
Procrastination Methods:
1. Perfectionist
“Do I postpone doing chores until I’m able to complete them flawlessly or until I find the ideal timing to accomplish them?”
Perfectionists frequently say, “I must take care of… ” and “I must accomplish… “. They try to perform their actions in a flawless, error-free manner. They want to have control.
“Do I get too focused on things I’d like to accomplish but never do? Do I think that I’m special and shouldn’t be required to complete all the tasks that others accomplish?”
Dreamers are full of thoughts and are unsure of the specifics. They do not connect their goals with the actions needed to achieve their objectives. They frequently use the phrase “I want… “. They are passive with their actions, and their mental need is to be seen as exceptional.
The other four kinds are:
“Do I delay taking actions that must be taken due to my fear of changes?”
“Do I do only what I like to do instead of focusing on what I should be doing?”
“I am most excited at the end of the day! I thrive under pressure.”
“Do I make myself commit to so many different things that I don’t have time to do some among them?”
Strategies to Change
These are the two methods that are effective for all kinds of situations:
1. Every change begins by gaining awareness. First, you must consider what’s happening when you put off your plans.
* When will it occur in your life? What are the causes, and what are the triggers?
* What do you think about and behave during these times?
What is the price to you in terms of energy, time, and emotion? How will it impact your relationships?
How will it benefit you? This is a difficult thing to acknowledge. It’s crucial to know the benefits of putting off your plans. Maybe it’s the ease of playing it safe and not taking risks in the process. Perhaps it’s a means of asserting your interests or preferences over others.
2. Find more options. When you’re procrastinating, it’s because you have your own distinct and unique method of thinking about the issue and discussing the issue, and trying to avoid it. The more you get out of your mental straitjacket, the easier it will be for you to move forward. You’ll discover that the job you’ve avoided for a while is suddenly easier or less scary.
You can ask yourself:
* How many methods can I use to accomplish this?
* What can I do to increase the fun?
* What can I do to simplify it?
* Is there anyone who can help me?
Call to Act
Positive things can happen in your work as well as in your life when you shed the old habits that don’t serve you. Perfectionism and procrastination are two behaviors that I’m sure aren’t aiding you!