Is Your Ideal Client Dying of “Spiritual Thirst”?

Is Your Ideal Client Dying of Spiritual Thirst

Have you ever doubted your abilities and natural talents?

I’ve done it a million times.

My shadow/dark side appeared multiple times throughout my life to help me become more aware of myself, how I was showing up in my life, and to help me see the beauty of duality, which is both light and dark.

My shadow/dark side told me many times that I was not good enough and that I wasn’t worthy of being successful. That I shouldn’t hide, not shine. I should stay in my corner and keep playing small.

Sounds familiar?

It’s not the only job. I also used it in situations where my dark warrior side needed to step up and make things work.

Let me offer you a fresh perspective.

Let’s say your ideal client is Lisa, an entrepreneur or business owner. She is thirsty and dying, and you have to offer water. She’s thirsty and wants water. Let’s say you were in the desert, and you had a gallon of water. Would you give Lisa water to save her life?

Of course, you won’t let her die!

Do you worry about how you dress, what you say, and what others think about you? Do you feel that Lisa is not worthy of your help? Would you prefer to let Lisa die so that you can continue hiding in your corner, refusing to share your “water and divine gifts?” No! It won’t.

Let me ask you a question. Why aren’t you doing this in real life? Why are you letting your ideal client die of “thirst”? You are hungry for your talents, thirsty for your guidance, thirsty for your coaching, thirsty for your mentoring, thirsty for your products, and thirsty for what you have to share…

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This is what you should do.

You are letting them down when they most need you.
To share your talents with them when they are waiting for YOU to shine.
They are still waiting for you to step in your divine creative power and create a better future for them.
They are still waiting for you to bring them joy, happiness, abundance, peace, and harmony.
You are brilliant and unique. You are highly valued by those you are called to serve. Believe and trust that they will listen, and believe and trust they will answer when you believe in yourself.

You must first take care of yourself.

You are a divine ambassador. Every life you touch, every soul that you inspire, every smile shared, and every good deed is done contribute to the collective consciousness.

Each person has a path. You have a mission and purpose. We are all meant for the expansion of the universe. Be true to yourself, embrace your calling, and love yourself. Your “Lisa,” your dream, will come true when you are willing to stand up for your goals and guide her to her purpose and the life she was meant to live.

The question now is: What are you going to do in the next 24hrs to attract your ideal client. It doesn’t matter how small; you must take the first step toward attracting Lisa.

Today is the day to make a change in your life. You have the power to make this decision.

Love and gratitude

Marieme Faye

Financial Strategist & Wealth Consciousness Expert

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Let me know your first step. Please leave a comment to let me know.

For some of you, it might be taking the time to describe what your “Lisa” looks like, the demographics (age, location, income level, occupation, etc… ), and the psycho-graphics (what she likes, what she is seeking for, what she reads, what she loves, where she hangs out, what and how she thinks, etc… ) and remember to be very specific. If you need help, send an email to:[email protected], and someone will get back to you within 48 hours.