How NOT to Be a Mentor

How NOT to Be a Mentor

Mentor-noun 1. A trusted and wise teacher or counsellor. 2. and influential senior sponsor or patron.

The above definition was derived from In my work, it is a term that gets often used. The role we play as coaches, as well as upline sponsors, is to mentor our clients and coaches. We assist, we mentor, as well assist in influencing those who are on the same road as we do. I am genuinely passionate about my work.

This has been my practice for two years now, and in that time, I’ve met numerous people who call themselves mentors. Sometimes, I’m stuck in my fitness, health, or business and turn to experts for advice. It’s part of being a mentor: Being competent enough to draw on your experiences to assist others. I’m also able to admit that I’ve been turned off frequently by those who claim they are mentors but don’t really have any benefit in their influence. Therefore, I’m here to show you how to influence and help others without appearing like a complete joke.

1. Let your knowledge be the best that it can be.

Perhaps you’ve employed specific methods to make yourself successful, and now you’re sharing your expertise with others. Great! If you are constantly beating the reality that you’ve made tons of money or have something just accomplished, you’ve stopped making mentoring the goal of helping other people. You turned it into serving yourself. Look, we get it. You’re successful. You’ve achieved your goals in the world of. However, stop boasting and bragging about it. What you’re doing is trying to convince everyone that you’re better than them, and you know what? We can clearly see through you.

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2. Don’t alter your terms or let someone else hang.

You observe someone struggling, and you offer to help. During this process, you discover that something isn’t working. Instead of working on the issue, you state, “If you want me to go on, I’d like the amount in dollars”, or any other conditions you set out. You’ve also kept off any discussion and let the person who you’re supposed to work with getting off from the conversation. Wow. You’ve lost the all-important credibility you’ve been able to gain. No, I’m not saying that you should be an unassuming doormat and perform the work while the other person gets everything credit. What I’m saying is that you live up to your commitment to yours. You’re supposed to be an example to others. An untruthful leader is a recipe for trouble. And if anyone is asking you questions, Don’t give them the runaround. If you’re unsure of the answer, tell them that you don’t know the answer.

3. Make use of your power to do the good.

This isn’t getting any simple. Be a leader because you know you have something worth giving. Do not do it because you need money, power or anything equally random. Like #1 above, people are able to quickly spot your flaws. Do your best to be selfless and not selfish.

If you’re a mentor for one individual or a group of people, I’d like to suggest that you will take these guidelines to your heart. Mentoring can be an enriching endeavour… So long as you are doing it for the proper motives.

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