A Simple Strategy to Rapidly Grow Your List (Hint: It’s Right Under Your Nose)

A Simple Strategy to Rapidly Grow Your List (Hint It's Right Under Your Nose)

This week, I wanted to share a really easy piece of information because it’s… simply… Simple, and I love the simplicity! I could make fun of my partner; however, I will not!

It’s not only an extremely simple and fast task to build a list, but it’ll also increase the number of people on your list quickly If you decide to take action.

It’s all about the “lead magnet” or, in simpler terms, the item you offer to your best customers as a reward for sending them an email address.

As you may have guessed, there are plenty and plenty of giveaways that are free these days. It’s a common approach to present your ideal customer a present that can give them immediate relief or assist clients in achieving what they are looking for swiftly.

It’s the thing to do if they’re looking in the early hours of Google to find the answer and come across your blog post or website or any other source you’ve posted, and you tell them to “get an XXX for free here and solve your XXX-related issue or get the benefit of XXX” They will be happy to provide the email address they used to send it.

The most basic factual information is this.

People are overwhelmed with such a lot of information and have a limited amount of time nowadays, which is why audios, videos, and ebooks aren’t working as well due to the sheer number of launches and other events which are taking place right now.

What works best in terms of tests is a quick-to-point single-page report.

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More information is also available to give away!

It is believed that the “hot” information that is shared in the report comes provided in terms of resources or resources. It seems that these are the things people are keen on having. The research shows that most people are more likely to purchase tools over the course of instruction since it’s simpler and more satisfying than learning an entirely new skill. They also believe that if they are equipped with the tools experts or “pros” as well as “experts” employ to perform, they’ll be able to perform just like the pros.

Consider your previous experience when you were looking to begin something new, such as attending a yoga class. At first, you might have wondered what kind of mat to purchase, and then, you’d have to decide on the best kind of clothes as well as what to look for when choosing the best instructor and so on.

Look at how many “Buyers Guides” there are available. Many people look to experts to learn from their experience, and, in general, they want to understand the “tools” they’re using, as they believe they will achieve the same level of success.

It all depends on the industry. Here are a few examples that I learned from this class to spark your ideas regarding what you can present:

LIFE COACH The LIFE COACH App Guide The top 5 iPhone applications to boost your productivity (including my own that I use daily)

VIDEO EXPERT: The Five (dirt inexpensive) tools I use to make all my videos (including my HD video camera that costs $80)

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Fitness Expert: The 3 Essential Pieces of Fitness Equipment You’ll Need at Your home (hint that they’re all under 5 pounds)

The concept is counterintuitive and generates curiosity. For example, the fact that exercise equipment weighs such a small amount will definitely spark my interest.

It’s usually the information we consider to be just common sense and that “everyone already knows, isn’t it?” Your ideal customers are eager to learn about.

Consider the things you do each day. What tools do you frequently use that your ideal client would like to own?

What would you say that your ideal client struggles with that you can be able to help?

If you’re unsure and aren’t sure about something, ask someone!

Sheela Masand was the co-founder and a working partner in a multi-million Euro company for more than 12 years. After enduring the challenge of finding clients and earning money from her own company, She is now focused on helping other professionals in the field of service to achieve this in a genuine, non-sales manner.