Why Is Virtual Assistance In-Demand Today?

Why Is Virtual Assistance In-Demand Today

What is a virtual assistant?

Are you overwhelmed by routine tasks that must be completed on time? Are you feeling disorganized because of your chaotic schedule? Are you unable to reach a certain number of people because you have a busy schedule?

You are probably already thinking about hiring an employee in-house. Have you considered hiring a virtual assistant?

VA’s are an excellent choice if you don’t know what they are. There are many talent pools that offer thousands of skilled individuals. You can hire them and assign tasks at rates between $1 and $10 an hour.

The new business paradigm

Gary Sward, CEO at oDesk.com, a well-known online marketplace that hires freelance contractors, believes that today’s millennial economy will lead to a rapid entrepreneurial improvement and a new attitude towards owning a company. According to his Forbes.com guest article, the “less-owning” generation is the Millennial Generation. This is why these Millenials prefer “access to ownership” to owning a Work Office. Our generation is rushing towards a new business paradigm that allows for “On-demand” access or “Renting” of assets.

Future Virtual Offices

This mindset, we believe, will lead to future businesses that use Virtual Workplaces. This type of workplace is actually being implemented by a large online company. Automattic is the company responsible for creating WordPress, which seems to be the most popular blogging platform on the web.

The crew of Bloomberg Businessweek Authors walked into Automattic’s San Francisco headquarters. They couldn’t help but think about one thing: “Where are all the people?” According to Toni Schneider, Automattic’s chief executive, this is often the case. There will be eight people seated around the table, and these are usually the leaders of the company. Businessweek authors stated that Toni Schneider doesn’t care about where his employees live but that he just wants them to do their jobs. Their 120+ employees can work remotely instead of going to work every day. Many of their employees hail from Alabama, Vietnam, and Bulgaria.

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This type of work setting is also practiced by 37signals, GitHub, and MCF Technology Solutions.

Online Businesses: Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistance is our next big idea. Virtual Assistance is a preferred option for many Online and Offline businesses over hiring employees in-house. It’s clear that small-business owners will save more by hiring employees online than by setting up an office and paying full benefits.

Although there are many risks associated with hiring Virtual Assistants to help you, there are also many positive outcomes from quality freelancers. This has made VA’s more in demand among this younger generation.

Next, we will be discussing the Pros and Cons of hiring virtual assistants. And how to overcome them. See yah!

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