No Time To Breathe

No Time To Breathe

Everyone I have spoken with is overwhelmed and damn close to being completely exhausted. There is no time for anyone.

The value of time is the most precious.

It seems that we never are enough. We’re always looking for more!

My coaching clients always seek help with this issue.

They really need miracles.

They want to make changes to the way they do things, but they are able to find more than twice the time they do now.

I wish I had the ability to grant this dream to everybody, and especially ME!

Instead of having the ability to waft the Harry Potter wand, I provide them with ten suggestions to make the most of your time when life is “too.”

Here’s what they are:

1.) Let things let go of things

Life has many things to offer that we always want more. Today, before going to bed, you should take 10% of the things you’re doing now and let it go. Let it go. When you “must” watch television for four hours every night, you can cut down on one show and cut it down to three hours. If you’re a golfer three times a week, after that, you go to the driving range for another night, reducing your time to today. If you are always working after your kids are asleep until time to go to bed, cut off one hour per day and take a break, relax or read a great book.

2) Change your expectations.

No matter what you’ve planned today, it’s likely that you won’t finish it all. People underestimate the amount of time they’ll need. We all believe that we can achieve the highest level of efficiency and 100 % collaboration from everyone. In reality, things don’t function in this way. Sorry!

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3) Plan your day.

Do not react to the things that are being thrown at you. Set out what you’ll need to accomplish every day. Make a plan if you can do it the evening before. Begin making plans as your feet are slamming down early in the morning while you sip your morning beverage of the day!

4.) Never keep more than six projects and six tasks in your mind at the time.

The brain isn’t able to handle more than six tasks at a time. If you have more items on your to-do list, I’m sure stress is just near the corner. Get six of your dump and work from there. (Don’t know what is a brain dump or how to get it? Send me a message, and I’ll explain it to you.).

5.) Review your current day-to-day focus.

If you’re pursuing the perfect dream, idea, or goal, examine the top 6 things we discussed earlier and evaluate whether they meet or don’t fall into the area of focus you’re seeking. If you see that too many of them don’t work into this category, you should re-evaluate and perhaps change your focus. Sometimes, it’s not possible, but it’s always worth taking a second review.

6.) Create a bit of a “chill” moment.

Everybody needs to breathe deeply and relax every day. Set aside 15-30 minutes at a minimum to let the fog go away every day. This will allow you to be better prepared when it comes time to get on the job. Promise!

7.) Take a breather.

I don’t care about how hot or cold it is; I just go outdoors for a couple of minutes each day. I like working in the open whenever I am able to. Fresh air makes me more productive. The sun’s rays and vitamin Chitting you will do wonders.

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8.) You can play some of your most loved music.

If music isn’t essential to you, it’s been proved that music can reduce your stress levels and increase your productivity.

9) Find several mentors.

Always seek out mentors throughout your life. I’ve found or am looking for mentors to help me with my business and relationships, as well as wooden carving skills, spiritual goals, and so on. You can pay for and get a mentor; however, the ones who have always been the best for me are those who truly take care of you and are willing to provide mentorship at no cost or at a low cost. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t. Professional coaches, mentors, and trainers work amazing things and are often the best place to begin to see results. However, when someone takes you on and really is determined to make sure you succeed, magical things begin!

10.) You should find a “punching bag” partner.

Find someone who you can talk to without judgment. Someone who you can be 105 percent open with. Your friend will be able to hear the way you feel about how much your struggles affect you and how deep inside you feel and can identify your desires, your hopes, and your hopes. You need to talk at least once a month and more frequently if you can.

So, here are ten suggestions. I’m sure that you are not using all of them. Begin using the ones that you’re not using and adjust your current methods in the event that you are “kinda” adhering to one of the suggestions.

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Should you need to ask for any concerns, please let me know!

Doug Evans has helped many people find out where they’re “stuck” and then move forward towards their goals. Doug is willing to meet with small groups, individuals, or corporate personnel. Goal setting, increasing profits goals, goal-setting masterminding, as well as marketing are popular subjects to talk about or assist with.