5 Ways to Get a Client in the Next 7 Days

5 Ways to Get a Client in the Next 7 Days

Everybody gets stuck at times. The most common reason is when we are stuck in our heads and then forget to take action. ACTION is the only way out.

I was the same way. I was so wondering why I wasn’t making more sales or getting more clients in that I would spend more time thinking about it than making a plan to achieve exactly what I wanted.

In all honesty, I could have hired my coach earlier, as she provided me with the precise plan and clarity that I required. Since then, I was armed with the plan and then just implemented it. I didn’t have the time to think about it as I was implementing my plan. And… you know what? I started getting clients interested and was able to make more excellent sales than what I did over the last three seasons of business!

Let’s make it straight first: there are four elements you should be aware of to attract clients:

Do your best at your job.
Be prominently visible on or off the internet (or both)
Make a compelling offer.
Create a method for people to accept the offer.
How do you attract the clients you want? Here are five easy ways to get an idea, high-paying client over the next seven days.

1. Review your Contact List, or your Past Client List

Have you got an idea or an approach to assist someone else? Perhaps you’ve thought you could collaborate with them or improve your relationship with them.

Get in touch and offer a chat to discuss the fantastic ideas you’ve been thinking of.

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The most important thing to remember is to engage your potential client with a sense of excitement about their business and excitement about the idea and the way it could enhance what they’re already doing already!

2. Send a “Client Receiving” Email

Send a simple email to your client list, focusing on the most common problems that your clients struggle with and ways you can assist them in turning the tide.

Limit how many coaching slots you can offer (2-4 is a decent number.) You can also offer incentives to motivate the players to be quick.

Also, make it simple for them to accept and provide them with a link to where you can send them an email with the requestor. Click the link to schedule their appointment as soon as they are ready.

3. Host a Tele-class for Free

One of the most effective ways to gain clients is to show them that you’re a pro at the work you’re doing. Create a free class and offer value, make connections between you with your customers and followers and let potential customers know how it is to collaborate with you. Also, show your potential clients what you can do!

After the call, make an offer, even if it’s a free proposal for a strategy phone call or one-on-one coaching session, to sign them up for a paid program that you offer.

4. Speak For Free

Contact local groups or networking groups as well as associations and present an inspirational and insightful speech that is valuable and explains to those who attend how they can go ahead with you.

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5. Promote a Program of less than $97

The use of a cheap (under 100 dollars) audio training program can be a great lead magnet. Spend your most valuable two hours of audio-based training (or make a quick teleseminar this week and make one!) and promote the training in your newsletter as well as all of your social media.

This is a fantastic and low-risk method for potential customers to visit your site and fall in love with you, and desire more!

If you require help in breaking through your negative beliefs or worries, I’m there for you. My Divine mission is to help people discover their Divine Inheritance. This covers your goals as well as your financial wealth.