It is not difficult to see which start-up ideas investors are interested in investing their money. Although many business types are highly investable, it can be difficult to get into and establish them. You can become the next tech star or a telecommunications giant with a little bit of dedication and hard work. If you’re looking to start your own business, I have listed a few highly-investable business types.
1. Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a promising area. AI is a revolutionary technology, but there have not been any breakthroughs. This means that a new company with the right resources could enter and shake up the market. This sector is often a hot spot for the military and government, who have large sums of money to invest in promising businesses.
2. Robotics
Although the robotics industry has been around for a while, it is still in its infancy. Robotics are widely used in both manufacturing and military applications around the globe. Robotics will soon be a rapidly developing market in the consumer sector. This is where start-ups should concentrate their efforts. One area worth exploring is the adaptation of military robotics technology to consumer applications. Robotics is also dependent on software, so if your programming skills are strong and you have an interest in robotics, there may be a job for you.
3. Biotech
Biotech has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with significant investment and major breakthroughs occurring on a regular basis. Biotech’s ultimate goal is to make humanity healthy and immortal. This goal is almost at hand. However, there are significant moral issues that can complicate the Biotech industry. You could be the next big thing for Biotech if you have an innovative and ethical idea.
4. Healthcare
This sector is looking for start-ups that can save patients money, especially in the United States, where healthcare is too costly and not very effective. A start-up can enter the medical insurance sector if it has a great idea and the right funding. You should also consider preventative healthcare, and how a start-up could offer new solutions.
5. Pharmaceuticals
Medical drugs must be developed faster and with less expense, it is a known fact. Preventative drugs, in particular, are an area that requires new investment and talent. Are you a pharmacist with a passion to help others? This sector is perfect for your startup.
6. Water and food
Today’s food and water are so much more than just water. Many people are becoming more conscious about how they eat. Many start-ups are doing well in this sector, which has a huge market for organic food and drinks. This sector needs more innovative start-ups and investors are eager to invest in the next great thing.
7. Education
The education system is changing constantly. It is vastly different today than it was 15 years ago. New technologies have revolutionized the way we teach. This is hugely beneficial and makes it possible to access a lot of information quickly and easily. There are many opportunities for a start-up to make a difference in the education sector. There are many ways to get into this sector, including apps and digital lecturing platforms.
8. Internet Infrastructure
The internet is not perfect, as many people know. It is susceptible to numerous threats, including hacking by government agencies and natural disasters. Security is a key focus for start-ups trying to enter this sector. Potential investors are attracted to anything that makes user data safer.
9. Government
A start-up that is solely focused on working with the government can be a viable option. Many government agencies have outdated and insecure infrastructure components, such as archiving systems and software solutions. Many start-ups offered ideas to improve efficiency and streamline government processes and were supported by the government. Are you able to offer a solution or an idea?
10. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
VR and AR seem more daunting than they really are. I have extensive experience working with augmented realities and it is simple to understand. There are many applications. These sectors are looking for people who have experience in the field and can produce VR and AR software that is compatible with business applications. AR and VR are a rising trend in today’s market and will only get more popular.
11. Science
It will be difficult for a start-up to succeed in science because many laboratories are funded by large corporations and governments. This means that unless you have significant money, it won’t always be easy. These businesses are often regulated and restricted in their research activities. If you have great ideas, it’s possible to start your own lab using crowd-funding.
12. Transport
There are many opportunities for businesses to expand and make an impact in the public and private transportation market due to the shift towards smaller autonomous vehicles that use less energy. In the early stages of this industry, innovative ideas are welcome. Apple and Google are just two of the other players that are exploring these ideas. Don’t let this deter you as Apple and Google are not the only players in this area. In fact, smaller independent businesses will be the major players in the future.
13. Programming
Programming has been a great area for start-ups, as it allows them to quickly establish themselves and get into programming. This is still true today, and even though the sector is saturated with talent, there is always room for more. You don’t need a lot of money to succeed. Anyone can start their own business and become the next big thing quickly if their idea is solid.
14. Diversity
It’s a sad fact that some groups have had less success in the past. There are many opportunities for start-ups to change this dynamic, especially in the areas of education and work environment.
15. Developing Countries
Start-ups in developing countries have a lot of opportunities, but poor infrastructure and logistics are not the best conditions to succeed.
16. Enterprise Software
The enterprise (Software for businesses) software market is moving faster than the consumer software market. Software that is not good enough for medium-sized businesses can lead to increased costs and lower efficiency. Software for businesses that is better provides many opportunities, especially if the benefits can be sold.
17. Financial Services
For investment advice startups that target low- to middle-income individuals, the financial services market is open. Although services and advice for the wealthy are easily available, it is incorrect to assume that those with lower incomes have no need. This means there is a large market of potential.
18. Telecommunications
We have Skype and Whatsapp, which allows us to communicate quickly and easily with people across long distances. But what’s next? The sector is not experiencing any breakthroughs right now, so a start-up with a great idea could be able to make a real difference and really take this sector forward.