10 Steps to Listen – For Bigger Business Results


As a coach or consultant, Many clients find it difficult to trust their guts or their first intuition when making business-related decisions. Your higher self is an invaluable tool for precise and effective decisions.

When you’re making a personal decision about where to reside or whom you should trust your heart with or a business choice like whether you should create an alliance or add a new item to your inventory, The higher self typically holds the crucial decision.

Below are ten ways you can take to begin to pay attention to larger business outcomes…

1. Evaluate and then consult your higher self.

Consider your pros and cons of an option, taking into account all the relevant information. Then examine or highlight the choices that you can trust your instincts regardless of the data and information available. There is a good chance that one option is going to stand out from all others.

#2 Pray or meditate on the option.

If we can go to the inner peace within us and are connected to God, and receive His guidance, the answer will come. It might not be the flash of light or an “AH HA” moment, but the answer will appear when you’re willing to receive it.

3. Visualize the results of each possibility.

Visualization is an effective strategy that allows your mind to imagine possibilities that could be unnoticed. Utilize your senses and be involved in the activity.

#4 Think about the future.

Imagine the results of your choice. Are you happy with it? Did it fulfil your goals and passions? Have you moved your company forward in a way that is in line with your values?

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#5 Take a leap of faith.

Believe in your own decision and yourself enough to make that leap. We’re aware that the more time you’ve spent taking risks, the more comfortable and intuitive it will become. As such, think about making smaller choices that do not have a do or die outcome and build confidence in your gut. You’ll have more confidence in yourself and confidence in your intuition as well as a connection to the Divine.

#6 Be Conscious Being aware,

at all times, in that crucial moment of decision and throughout and of the reality that there are a variety of things at work driving your choices is a crucial step. Your thoughts could be telling you something. Be aware that the thoughts you think about are affected by the emotions you feel. Remember, you are only thoughts. Your emotions are simply emotions. They don’t define you and don’t always help you make the best decisions. If you are able to put aside your opinions and listen to your gut feelings, your intuitions, and your gut suggestions, Then you can begin making good choices.

#7 Cleaning.

Negative self-talk and false beliefs influence your choices. For instance, if you think that competition is too fierce online for you to start your own company based on the opinion of others and you’ve got an idea for a business that you are passionate and passionate about, you could not pursue the idea as you aren’t sure it can yield anything, even though all of the evidence and data suggests otherwise.

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#8 Practice.

Learn to make decisions that are based on that small, still voice. Make sure you are able to put aside external influences as well as internal ones, such as your thoughts and worries and focus on what you truly would like to achieve. It is possible to begin by making smaller choices and work on your intuition-based decision-making capabilities.

#9 Journalling.

Journalling is an extremely effective method of not just helping establish a routine of writing down your thoughts but also making use of your journal entries every day to look over. It helps you keep track of the outcomes of your thinking-based decisions, which can provide assistance, confidence and evidence of your ability to make the right decisions.

#10 Surrendering or let go of the outcome after you’ve taken a decision is a significant step.

The act of letting go of the outcome allows you to make choices with confidence. You can be confident that you’ve made the most appropriate decision and accept it with confidence that the outcome will be out of your control, but rather that you’re able to and will manage whatever happens to you.

Your decisions based on your innermost feelings are the most effective decisions you’ll make. If you’re able to listen to the tiny voice that is inside you, you’re connecting to the inner power of your that connects you to God by embracing confidence within God and in your own self.