Top 4 Tips to Ensure a Hitch-Free Delivery Service in Winter

Top 4 Tips to Ensure a Hitch-Free Delivery Service in Winter

Delivery service providers cannot be able to cease doing their work due to the weather conditions. Except for the most extreme cases, there are some proactive steps that we can perform, not just to foresee problems ahead of time and also to perform clever tricks to safeguard cars from the most dangerous elements of a cold or snow-blown transportation job.

Keep the Windshield free of ice and Fog.

The most frequent thing we do with a windshield covered in ice is scraped it. For those who count on completing the most delivery-related jobs as they could, those few seconds prior to setting off every time are crucial. You can, however, save time by applying an onion that is raw (cut into half) on your windshield and windows at night before the expected frost. Onions have been shown to stop the freezing of glass. The windshield and windows that have been smudged are highly hazardous, particularly for those on the road to earn money. Another trick to speedily remove fog without smudging glass is to use an eraser for chalkboards. An alternative is opening the windows for a short time and then letting fresh air flow in to clear the windshield and windows quickly.

Maintain Wiper Blades fully functional

One of the most significant issues that car owners face in the early morning hours of a massive freeze is wiper blades that are fixed to their glass. It is possible to fix this by soaking a cloth (soft cotton ones are ideal to do this) in rubbing alcohol with full strength (the type of alcohol you can purchase at your local pharmacy) and then wiping every wiper blade. The alcohol stops it from slamming to the windshield and can be used even on snowy winter days.

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The process of opening a Frozen Car Door Lock

You leave in the morning to go to a delivery service, only to discover that your car’s door won’t move. The lock is frozen and won’t accept your key. The most effective solution is to use the use of a lighter to warm the key for your car before inserting it into the lock while applying pressure to the inside. Another savvy option is to use straws that blow air in the door lock. Your warm breath can melt the ice within the lock in a short time.

Make sure the side mirrors are ice-free.

What happens to frozen side mirrors? The last thing a busy delivery driver wants to do is to be able to leave their vehicle on the roadway only to discover that they are in an unintentional blind spot because of ice covering the mirrors. As with previous suggestions, you are keeping your mirrors on the sides free of ice is a matter of planning ahead. When you go to bed at night (which is likely to be the majority of nights during the week), put a cover over the mirrors on either side with plastic bags and use clothespins or rubber bands to keep them in place – making sure they’re airtight. You’ll be amazed at how effectively this simple trick will keep your mirrors free of ice.

In the end, it’s about keeping your most essential instrument, your vehicle, in top condition even in the coldest months of winter, and it is as simple as concentration and a few tips that won’t cost a lot.

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Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world’s largest trading hub that is neutral for same-day delivery services within the express freight exchange business. More than 2,500 transport exchange companies are linked via their website, trading capacity and jobs in a secure ‘wholesale’ environment.