Startup Idea Validation: A 2-Stage Litmus Test

Startup Idea Validation A 2-Stage Litmus Test

We’ve all been there. You are rejected for a job. Your presentation at work is rejected. Maybe you are looking for financing to start a business or start a social enterprise. You then receive an email or letter stating that your application was declined.

No matter how you look at it though, many people take rejection personally. Many of us will tell you to not worry. It’s not your fault. Sometimes it can be personal. You can still bounce back from rejection, or several of them, and move forward.

It all comes down to perspective. To be able to handle any challenges in life, keep your mind clear.

Give yourself space and learn

You can let your heart hurt a little if you are turned down for an opportunity you truly want. We are all human. Sometimes, we need to take a while to heal our wounds. In this instance, it is our ego. Don’t stay there for too long. You will learn something from this experience. Keep your eyes on this and you will be able to adjust or tweak the things going forward.

You are in the Game

Rejection is a sign that you are in the game. You are not sitting still. George Bernard Shaw’s “People who claim it can’t be done shouldn’t interrupt those who do it” is one of my favourite quotes. Consider how many times you have heard people behind you rant about how impossible it is to get that job or move there. It doesn’t really matter what the issue is. There is always a committee full of naysayers. You know what? I’d rather try, fail and learn, than stay on the sidelines. It’s okay to be rejected. Keep playing.

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Be strategic for the fight

When we feel rejected, it’s part of our natural instinct to feel negative emotions. It is part of our survival instincts. It’s easy to feel the need to flee. Rejection can actually be a chance to inspire us. Let’s say you are rejected on a goal. The energy that rises after a rejection can be channeled positive. This is an opportunity to learn how you can improve. It is a chance for you to be more strategic than a boxer in a boxing match.

Silver Lining

Sometimes in life we set a goal and it doesn’t seem to be moving the way we desire. You don’t have to be arrogant about how things will turn out. Sometimes life is trying tell you something. You should listen. I have seen people in marriages that try, try, and fail while their spouse has given up. Consider this rejection as a silver lining. It’s not worth your time to be somewhere you don’t want, even if it’s for the benefit of the children and money. Sometimes there may be a silver lining to something that isn’t going your way. It’s there.

It’s Temporary

There is no permanent thing in this world. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to go through something, or how conspiring the entire world seems against you. It’s temporary. This too will pass. All things are temporary. Even if something is rejected, it is only temporary. Once you hear “No,” it is already part of your past. Regroup. Reassess the situation. Make a plan, and then move on. Do not dwell on the past. It is only temporary. Learn how to move forward.

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