What are your IT management skills? Have you ever received any IT management training on how to connect with your team? I’m willing to wager that the answer is none. This means that as you lead your team, you’re going to be required to learn how to communicate with your colleagues. This requires that you spend the time to build the ability to listen.
The Reasons We’re Not Great Listeners
The reality of the issue is that you and I are not excellent listeners. It’s not really our fault. It just is that we are not designed to do an excellent job at listening to others. But, before we can fix this problem, we have to ensure that we are aware of what’s creating the problem.
As we are all aware that stories are the basis of the way we humans communicate. Because we enjoy sharing stories with others, We are programmed to interrupt when somebody is talking. In actuality, we are spending most of the time in a conversation, not really listening, but waiting for the conversation to begin again. In the same way, the majority of us are uneasy when it comes to our emotions. This means that if someone expresses emotions in conversation with us, it is best not to pay attention to the person’s emotions.
Another issue. Experts refer to this as “listener burned out.” It can occur when we encounter one who just goes over and over about whatever it is. When we encounter the same situation, we typically attempt to give the other person a bit of a tip to resolve the issue and encourage the person to stop!
The Potential Of Active Listening
If you are an IT professional, you need to become better at listening. That means you have to master the art of you can become “active listening.” To be a good listener, you must have an active and engaged presence during the conversation. You should be engaged with the person you are talking to. It’s not enough to just be watching them in a sporadic manner.
The researchers who study listening say that we should master what’s known as “immediacy behavior.” These are actions that show your enthusiasm for the conversation with the other person. One of the easiest methods of doing this is to get rid of your phone. Do not let it distract your attention off of the discussion.
Also, you must make an eye connection with someone speaking. While they are speaking, allow your face of yours to show the way you react to what they’re talking about. In the end, you must convey the emotions of the other party to them. This can be done by re-capturing the things they’ve said in short remarks such as “that must have been extremely stress-inducing.”
What Does This All Mean for What Does This Mean For
In today’s fast-paced society, it can be too easy to be too fast and not have the time to indeed be able to connect with members of our team. But, this type of communication is crucial for them as well as us. What is this for IT managers is that you’re going to have to be able to be more attentive in order to meet your IT team’s development goals.
It appears that listening is difficult to do. In the majority of cases, when we’re involved in conversations, we’re so excited, to begin with, our conversation that we ignore the words of the person we are talking to talking about. But, if we make an effort to practice what’s called “active listening” and then be an active participant in the conversation, then we’ll be able to make connections to the person in front of us.
In this day and day and age of iPhones and Snapchat apps having the ability to communicate with employees on your team is an essential IT manager’s skill. You might not possess this ability currently; however, you can improve the ability and improve it. Begin to work on active listening, and you could be surprised by the things you discover!