As I was reading through the journals I kept during the last time, I stumbled upon the entry I wrote on July 1st, 2011.
I forgot each about that day. Thankfully. It was not the stylish of days.
Looking back, I can see that it was the breakdown before the advance.
But I did not know that also.
I was fussing about plutocrat, the book I was writing, my business, and the direction I was going.
I knew that the work I had been doing for the once eight times was behind me.
commodity new and bigger was calling me, but I did not know what that was just yet.
I made room for it to show up, by ending the programs and guiding I was furnishing at that time, and taking time during the summer to write my new book.
It was veritably hard at times to trust that the new phase would crop , and that it would do so before I ran out of plutocrat, time and energy.
perhaps you fete this gap between the old that no longer serves you, and the new that’s calling you, without knowing what that new thing is just yet.
still, the tips I partake below might help you as well
If you are.
1 Take extreme good care of yourself
still, stuff like that), they’re frequently touched off in times you do not feel so good, If you have any bad habits( drinking or eating too much; not sleeping enough; eating loads of sugar and fat.
But when you are in transition it’s especially important to take really good care of yourself.
Drink plenitude of water, eat healthy, exercise, take walks in nature and get plenitude of sleep.
It helps to keep your energy up. And energy is surely what you need in this phase.
2 Do not step back
No matter how important you might feel tempted to go back to where you came from don’t.
Going back to where you were might feel tempting, but it isn’t the answer.
The chances to step back will surely show up! Do not buy into it.
One of the effects I did for illustration to make room for the new phase was to find another trainer that I could relate people to who were looking for a career trainer.
The moment I set up this trainer, out of the blue 4 people showed up who were looking for a career trainer and were interested in hiring me.
Four!!! It was a loooonnggg time ago that 4 people communicated me within 1 or 2 days. A loooonnggg time.
And do not forget I was fussing about plutocrat at that point.
But I knew, deep down, that I should not work with them and had to relate all of them to that other trainer.
And so I did.
I knew it was my fear that wanted to step back.
And I decided not to hear to it.
3 Surrender
This is the hardest part for utmost people, myself included.
As long as you try to get through the gap by trying to control what’s passing, it’ll feel like a struggle.
You can not control it, so you might as well step away.
I know this is REALLY hard. I’m a control freak myself. I would like everything to go my way, when I want it, how I want it and because I want it.
And I would veritably much appreciate it if the entire macrocosm would just do as I tell it to, thank you veritably much.
But it does not work that way.
Still, the one thing you have to do is to surrender to this process, If you want to make room for change and metamorphosis.
To get out of your own way and to allow your purpose to unfold and move through you.
To allow the macrocosm to work through you.
Do you know these moments when you’re in inflow? When everything seems to just be and come your way? The right people show up at the right time and you feel reenergized and fulfilled?
In these moments, the macrocosm is working through you.
That is why you are in a inflow. That is why you do not worry, and everything works out.
Surrender to your metamorphosis. Allow your purpose and your coming position to unfold.
Step away, and let it be.
This week’s Transformational Action
still, and you feel you’re fighting and floundering and trying to control everything, this is the first step you can take
If you fete this gap between the old and the new.
Make room for your metamorphosis, and let go of commodity that you deeply feel no longer serves you.
This might mean saying farewell to a customer, a habit, someone around you that’s holding you back. or.
Deep down you formerly know what it’s when you’re reading this.
Let it go, and enjoy the space you have now created.
The three tips I gave before will help you get through the gap between the old and the new.
Brigitte van Tuijl is a purpose & advance expert for heart- centered entrepreneurs and change agents,
author of the forthcoming book’ The Art of Divine egoism- transubstantiating the world by thinking of YOU’
and originator of the unique system to help heart- centered entrepreneurs get unstuck and reach further people with their charge her 7 stepF.R.E.E.D.O.M. process to turn your purpose into a profitable business you LOVE.