How to Manage the “Too Busy to Fail” Syndrome

How to Manage the Too Busy to Fail Syndrome

I was not in the mood to create this week’s email. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the “road” in the process of seeking capital for the business and an investor’s meeting today to prepare for close negotiations on a television show partnership, getting ready for meetings, mentoring, and coaching on the campus of Columbia University tomorrow, teaching in the evening… Blah, the list goes on and on.

This would’ve made it easy to forget about the bi-weekly journal.

What stopped me from taking it home?

The feeling of being “too active” to fall.

The fallacy is that businesses are booming, and everything is well. But I’m not able to find enough time to tackle the basic tasks (i.e., marketing, sales, organizing projects, etc.)

So you stop.

And then, before you realize it, sales decrease. Customers leave. Demand decreases. Then you’re in a state of panic, trying to figure out your next month’s rent as well as pay.

There are those who call it the principle of feast or famine. I would call it too busy to fail.

If you’re stuck in this stagnation.

Tips to Move It forward-in a state of busyness

• Define the Essentials- Identify the processes that keep your business on track. Marketing activities that you carry out (or have to perform) to generate income.

* Schedule them- Add these to your calendar before you start.

* Build Consistency- always perform the basic tasks. Whatever busy you become. This is among the toughest things to do in the event of success (just ask any star athlete). If you’re at the top in your field, it’s simple to lose your edge!

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* Build Infrastructure – This lets you concentrate on the essentials. If you’re in need of someone to oversee those on the “front the lines” while you complete these fundamental tasks, do the math to determine how much you’ll pay and the amount you’ll earn from this. In addition to peace of mind, it’s focused on ROI.

* Monitor Results – See what was successful and what wasn’t. It is possible to do this by creating a clear result you’d like to achieve according to activity or week. For instance, I’ll spend five hours per week creating and following up on leads and anticipate one new client to pay me $1,000 per month for it.

* Refine Basics- Give yourself a date to check in. If your basic training isn’t taking place by then, Re-evaluate what you’ve created. Find outside, professional feedback. Someone who has no part in what’s going to happen at the event and is comfortable sharing the truth.

The next time you’re in the mood to go for it, put it down. Remember that it’s “basic,” and it’s crucial not to fail.

Steps to Take Steps to be followed throughout the week

I spent 30 minutes of quiet time, free of phone, emails, and all other distractions. When you’re in a state of focus, clear and calm.

Consider the most important activities you perform to increase sales? Divide them into steps you take regularly.

For instance, you write your blog posts or blog and then post on your social media pages, and when you meet with potential customers to have the coffee… and so on. Or whatever your sales procedure is.

See also  How to Create Business Momentum

Then, decide the frequency you’ll be doing these tasks and when and for how many hours.

How do you expect to see the results? What kinds of outcomes (specific and quantifiable)? Make this your metric.

What structure of support is required to ensure that you don’t get caught in this? Support from outside, such as timers ICal, what?

Then go! You’ll see results consistently within a relatively small amount of time.

Hello, my name is Stefan Doering. From 1987 to the present, I’ve been innovating innovative approaches to sustainability and business that is environmentally friendly.

After having founded one of the very first eco-friendly retail businesses in the United States and increasing it to become among the biggest, I have taught hundreds of green enterprises and also taught green entrepreneurship for numerous NYC programs as well as at Columbia’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation.

I am focusing on three key areas:
1.) Innovative green business models
2.) Making and implementing positioning and marketing strategies for bringing green products to the mainstream.
3.) Make sure that you have a profitable and long-lasting company that will be sustainable and profitable.