How to Fail in Business Without Really Trying

How to Fail in Business Without Really Trying

Although the path to success in business has many benefits, not the least of all, driving the car, however, the road isn’t without risk. There are potholes, blind alleys, and traffic congestion. If you’re not careful it can be a matter of tail-gating others in the hopes of getting to your destination. What is the outcome if the person you’re following isn’t familiar with the route also?

They are what I refer to as our “want-to-bees”; maybe they’re what you’d call them also. They have no concept of what you need to be doing, therefore they learn about the many different experiences successful people have and try to come up with a story that sounds like it’s a possibility.

To differentiate drivers from those still looking at maps You must consider three things:

1. What would make you think this person is a pro?

What happens when you drive through your neighborhood in July? Most of the time, you will are forced to brake constantly for the person ahead of you, and appears to be in a state of confusion. You then notice the license plate that is out of state and is aware that the motorist doesn’t know where they are going.

And, up until that driver’s driving became unstable, he seemed to be simply another driver in the town.

2. Does the person you are talking to acknowledge the difficulties you face?

One of the indicators that tell you that the person you’re following is the inability to see the real issues you are or are likely to face when you are on your way to success. It’s not that I’m saying the person you follow must have been there personally. A good understanding of what to expect is determined through other methods. However, a shopper won’t bother to find out what the issues are or what they can do to get over them. The person you are trying to sell the quickest sale but not a solution that will help you.

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3. Does the person give only a sketchy outline of what you have to do? Does the person only give the shortest of explanations of how to complete it?

Imagine standing in the aisles of your favorite computer store and you’re in need of the router. There are 20 models. Each model comes with a colorful box. Some are displayed on the outside of their boxes, while others aren’t. If like me, you really do compare one model to the other one by looking at what’s on the package of the models that intrigue you the most.

How much faith can you put in the experience of the salesperson that you consult If he or she picks the same container and begins to murmur what they read on it? What would you think of paying thousands of dollars, or euros for something the salesperson thought would be useful, but then said you could take back even if it did not?