How to Avoid Letting Squirrels Eat Your Profits

How to Avoid Letting Squirrels Eat Your Profits

As entrepreneurs, we are faced with lots of what we would call “bright shiny objects” out all around us that are distracting us.

This time of year, we are enjoying the holiday season, which takes our attention from our working… just as it is supposed to be. However, all year long, a myriad of distractions pour daily into our inboxes. There are intriguing inquiries and even training that can grab interest. However, they don’t aid in the overall objectives of our business. We could be caught up in the dramas happening on social media or spend long hours trying to find the most advanced and cutting-edge piece of technology that isn’t really needed.

I refer to these distractions as “squirrels.” This is a reference to one scene from the movie for children “Up,” where a group of dogs were in the right direction and were gaining the villain. However, suddenly one of them notices a squirrel and gets distracted, and the entire group moves off in a different direction to pursue the squirrel.

They lose their focus, and their goals are lost. Do you recognize the pattern?

Concentration is essential for anyone who owns a company, but it’s easy to get distracted by the squirts. This is the reason I’ve created an end-to-end system for me and my clients that focus on the core goal of anyone who is an expert or service professional looking to make a significant and lasting impression on their ideal customer. The systems I have developed have allowed me to be focused and to create a positive impact on heart-centered entrepreneurs all over the globe, to achieve an impact on the Inc. 500/5000 over the past two years, and to market millions of dollars worth of my offerings and solutions.

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Studies show that we spend the majority of the day doing simple or quick tasks; however, we’re not completing the tasks that are most important to us. We’re hunting squirrels but not thinking about the larger perspective that can really advance our business.

To stay in line with the things that matter most to you, Here’s how to apply the following principles:

1. Select your goals.

What’s the goal you’re taking? With my Sassies, I’m developing a structure for the business that can support both client attraction as well as high-level conversions of clients so that they can do their mission throughout every sector… without appearing to sales.

2. Reverse engineer your approach from where you want to go.

Take steps to reach your desired goal. What are the elements that you require for success? Make a list that includes all the components that a heart-centered entrepreneur will want to develop to ensure that he is prepared to convert interested prospects into customers who are invested regardless of the situation. This includes things like making sure you have the Signature Conversation and irresistible Proposal prepared with an ezine that will offer value all year long and a hot freebie to ensure that when Oprah calls to visit, you’re not just willing to make an appearance and contribute as well, but also to woo potential leads too.

3. Now, break those steps into steps and determine the amount of time each task will take.

We suggest breaking projects into more minor elements that can be completed within 10-30 minutes. This means that you can finish three tasks within an hour. For instance, instead of trying to complete a project in a single hour, for example, the free download of a gift instead, break it into its initial component, which could be brainstorming three ideas for a fantastic free present with a fellow mastermind participant or a colleague.

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Turn off your mobile phone, close your inbox, shut your door and set your alarm and begin your first project.

A week of three hours may not seem like a tremendous amount of time, but trust me, you’ll be stunned by the extent to which you can improve your business by seeking highly profitable opportunities and not squirrels.


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