My intention when I founded my coaching business was to share the truth about being a successful entrepreneur. I’ve seen a lot, and some of it isn’t pretty. I wanted my coaching business to be a place where genuine, heart-based women entrepreneurs could go and get the truth.
Today, I wanted to share the truth about being an entrepreneur woman.
A woman who decides to start her own business is fired up and excited.
When she is forced to promote herself and spread her message to the world, there are many obstacles in her path. I have never met a female entrepreneur who hasn’t experienced the debilitating feelings and thoughts I’ll be sharing below.
Gay Hendricks, who I love, said that there are four barriers women entrepreneurs face that can tie into why they want their business to succeed: shrink back, play small, or quit.
1. Feeling fundamentally fulfilled
“Something is fundamentally wrong with my brain, and I cannot grow to my full creative potential.”
This area can be challenging for women if they don’t have a coach. Intelligent, educated women have stopped procrastinating, playing small, and stopped believing that they are good enough. This is my speciality!
2. Disloyalty or Abandonment
“I can’t expand to my full success because it would leave me all alone, disloyal and without people from my past.”
I’ve been there, felt the pain of leaving certain friends, and come out the other side feeling happy, free and liberated.
3. Believe that more success brings more burden
“I cannot expand to my full potential because I would have an even greater burden than I already have.”
This was precisely what I went through! My Top 5 Values were Freedom, Health, and Family, and this was the lifestyle I desired. I believed that if I became too large, I would not be able live the life I wanted. Wrong! (If you do it right)
4. The Crime of Outshining
“I must not grow to my full success because if I did, I would outshine ___________________ and make him/her feel bad.”
Because I was not proud or too successful, I had to temporarily delete my Email Signature from messages to friends. Wowza! This is why I don’t have an issue now. I know that by living authentically, I can inspire others to live authentically.
I’m sure you can relate at least to one of these, if perhaps all of them to some degree.
I can tell you this: Being aware of your issues is a huge step towards overcoming them. You can become more authentic and successful by being aware of your issues.
Sometimes, people need to be guided by a coach or have a group of women entrepreneurs who are like-minded to bounce their limiting beliefs off. You can share this information with others and just let it go.
Here’s your Wealth Assignment
Identify the current goal in your business. You can choose one of the following things, or you can pick your own goal. Each day this week, do one thing to reach that goal. Be aware of any limiting beliefs that might be stopping you from achieving your goal. It is essential to be aware of your limitations and then move forward.
Ideas for goals:
1. Send an email or call someone to invite them for a strategy session.
2. Give your VA any work that’s not making you money. Hire one if you don’t already have one.
3. At least one meeting should be attended, and you must follow up with at least three people within 24 hours.
4. Contact someone to see if they are interested in becoming an affiliate or JV partner.
5. Start marketing your webinar or teleclass today by scheduling it within the next two weeks.
6. Talk to your past clients and find out how you can assist them in their future.
I can help you overcome your fears and limiting beliefs. My Divine purpose is to help people find their Divine Inheritance. This includes your purpose and your wealth.