Customer Assurance Checklist – Family Entertainment Center Development

Customer Assurance Checklist - Family Entertainment Center Development


Does the manufacturer/supplier have adequate liability insurance that is capable of handling any minor or major claim? Even when the equipment or project could not be the cause, you must defend any claim made against your premises. Do they have sufficient Workers Compensation and Employer’s Liability protection (“WC&EL”) for construction sites for the construction phase?

* Contact the company:
You should request an official proof of liability insurance and WC&EL policy on insurance and the contact details of their insurance agents to ensure they are valid and current and in good condition.

Materials Specifications

Does the manufacturer/supplier produce the playground locally and provide adequate safety standards, the fire spread ratings, and toxicity levels testing as required on all raw materials in order to meet local and international standards?

After they have processed your purchase After they have processed your order, they will give you product safety information regarding the products that were used to make your purchase. This information is valuable and could be utilized by firefighters and other authorities, so they can ensure that your burden to prove doesn’t fall on you when authorities require the information. Products must be in compliance with international standards, and they have had their products tested in international labs to ensure quality. Safety testing for products is an investment of significant importance that is not the norm for all businesses to give their customers security for the long term.

* Contact the company:
Get information on fire and safety to verify that the suppliers’ materials are in compliance with the safety standards.

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* Engineering specifications are available. Do the products meet the requirements of engineering for use by the public in both large and smaller play structures?
Play structures that require certification for engineering (i.e., for earthquakes or other needs) choose credible independent firms. Prices for engineer certifications can be specified separately, should they be required for your particular project.

* Contact the company:
Find out if they’ve worked dealing with engineering companies for their play structures and do they have experience working dealing with companies that can be certified according to local standards. Some states, provinces, and nations require special engineering certifications, like California, because of earthquake-related building codes. It is crucial that all documents submitted to government officials and engineers are accurate and complete to avoid legal liability.

* Does the provider actually manufacture? Can they provide a good
warranty, replacement parts, and services?

What should you know?

Ask where the playground was made and what warranty components and services are available in the event you require them. Waiting for parts and services could cause you to lose time and money and also increase the possibility of untimely repairs and maintenance that could result in safety issues, which eventually increase your risk of liability.

What durability and quality is the material used by the manufacturer in the playground materials and equipment?

It is recommended to use materials in play structures made to match or exceed North American standards for quality and long-lasting. A few examples are 36″ diameter tube systems that can be used for climbing, slides, and crawls that permit easy accessibility while ensuring security for staff and adults to crawl and access any place required and even allow two people to move through the same tube. Fully enclosed play frame features should include no-climb netting connected to steel frames using FRP (Fiber Glass Reinforced Polymers) rods that are secured using several 150lb tests of safety ties that are interlaced across the frames. The structure is then completed using Tuff Coat(TM) cushioned pipe foam and safety ties. They provide an attractive, safe, and professional appearance. It can be adjustable if needed.

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Decks are made of top-quality, heavy-duty vinyl, and are constructed using closed cells of memory foam. The structure should only be made using clamps to ensure rigidity and strength, not tie wraps that are frequently used by a few firms.

Make sure to study the material thoroughly; always request samples of materials, and inquire about the finishing techniques and installation to ensure you’re receiving the best “Apples to apples” comparison. Ask for samples of playgrounds that have been in use for more than five years to become familiar with the high-quality and quality of playgrounds made available by these providers.

Industry Standards

Does the provider meet international and local standards for the industry of playgrounds?

Are they in compliance with or exceed safety guidelines of the industry and standards, such as ASTM, CSA/CPRA ROSPA, TUV, and French standards?

Does the business actually build according to the specifications of engineers, and do they have experience in the real world with bigger structures that require certification from engineers.

* Ask the company:
Find out about the standards used in manufacturing and request information on product safety to ensure that national and local standards are met.

* Experience in the industry:

What kind of experience does this supplier possess? How many years has their business been running?

* Contact the company:

Get information about the company to determine the likelihood of them being in business for a long period of time to be.

Kathleen manages the marketing of the International Play Company. International Play Company (Iplayco) has the experience and expertise in playing structures (more than 100 years of experience in the field). We offer a comprehensive turnkey service that includes the business plan, finance operations, design marketing, and training. We manage everything. The collaboration with your team on the project and Our sales team and our CAD design experts helps you with your project and also saves you money.

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