Amazon’s “Boxed Product” Strategy


Amazon's Boxed Product Strategy
Most Amazon-like sellers have difficulty knowing what to sell.

It’s not enough to know the details of the process of identifying profitable products. This article is about the backend schemas of how Amazon selling works.

This includes everything, from getting stock to building a brand that can stand up against the tough-and–humble of competitive selling.

The boxed product approach is an easy way to solve this problem. This tutorial will explain what it is and how it works. It is also useful for Amazon sellers looking to expand their existing business or start a new one.

The “boxed product strategy” is very simple.

This suggests that the box is what sells the product and not the product. If you want to sell a product that has been “already done”, you should consider creating a box to sell the product.

You can think of the boxer shorts and underwear. These are all well-known and have been made before. They are available from every fashion brand, as well as the big-box retailers like Walmart. The quality and cost of the product will vary depending on the fabric and other attributes.

To “get ahead” in this space, you need to get your own underwear (which can be done with the help of Alibaba), and then have them bundle them with another item and include them all in a well-designed box.

You might have a few pairs of socks, a book, or other accessories, such as Eau de perfume, or just a bunch of your underwear. You can charge more depending on what you place in the box.

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This isn’t about making an Amazon product. It’s about being able to enter a market that is often already crowded with products.

You are effectively putting your brand/product at a complete level to all other products.

We now have the foundations of an idea. If you can find an unencumbered product, which is typically something that hasn’t been patented, you should be able to create a “boxed version” that includes many peripheral items. This is called the “boxed product strategy

Find a Product to Sell

Finding a product that is profitable to sell is the first step. Jungle Scout, which offers real product data and sales information, makes this easy. This can be approached in two ways. You can either find a product you are interested in making (it could be your hobby or something) or find one that is already selling. The latter option is more likely to be successful because you will face a lot of competition. However, the former will usually have greater interest. It’s impossible to create a product that is effective without the demand from the market. I won’t go into detail about this as that would be for another article.

Locate a Supplier

Once you have nailed down the product, you will need a supplier. This is usually done through Alibaba, but it can also be done domestically. This article is not about sourcing products. You need to get the product manufactured or purchase a white label version with your brand. This is what you will be selling.

Design a box

This is the most important part. You don’t have to ship the products in plain white boxes. Instead, you should get a fancy box designed. It’s not just the design of the box that will make the product sellable, but its contents and what it does. If you are selling inflatable pool toys, make a large box that has lots of photos of all the animals you can place in the pool. You can make them collectible, and you should have lots of them. If someone is looking for a new set, their “collection” will outweigh those who only have one or two varieties. The “box” doesn’t have to be large or include multiple products. It’s about providing a solution to their problem. Inflatable pool toys are meant to entertain their children, so they should be fun.

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Sell the box

Once you have completed this step, you can start selling the boxed products. It is as simple as getting a barcode from GS1 ($40/year) and placing it on the box. A professional Amazon account costs $40/mo and allows the product to be uploaded directly onto Amazon. Although this may sound expensive, it is one of the best opportunities. Customers can direct to your Amazon page and you have a wide range of distribution options for your products.

Promote the Product in Publications, etc.

You must promote your product once you have it. You can do this by buying advertising space in industry magazines and then expanding your reach to a wider audience. If you want to sell women’s clothing, for example, buy advertising space in women’s magazines. If this fails, you can try FB ads. Then, work with people to spread the word about your products through word of mouth. You could also sell to men. Men are not able to tell their partner what their size is so you can offer them an easy way to purchase lingerie. GUARANTEED PERFECT LINGERIE – Give them a GUARANTEE You could then sell chocolate to men on Valentine’s Day and Christmas.
Although it sounds easy, it is not.

Selling on Amazon is a risky business venture. You should be ready to lose all your money.