Should You Do More or Do Something Different?

Should You Do More or Do Something Different

Is it logical to continue doing the same thing if it hasn’t produced any results? That is why you should work twice as hard! NO! !

If your actions don’t produce any results, and you feel like you’re being taken down the drain emotionally, it’s time to do something new.

What’s the new thing? Let me tell you, it isn’t Twitter.

It’s what you are most afraid of. It is what you spend the most energy and time trying to ignore.

Because it is unique for each individual, it can take many forms.

These are the three most common energy-sucking issues I see.

1. Uncertain of your value and unable to engage with clients or prospects.

This is the most common mental problem I see. This is a problem I have firsthand experience with.

This situation allows you to occasionally feel the satisfaction and knowledge of

While you may know you are helping someone, most of the time you are asking yourself questions such as:

Are my clients and prospects really interested in this?

Are you bothering anyone?

Are I being too pushy?

Are you sure that I know what I am talking about?

You spend a lot time second-guessing your actions and replaying conversations in the back of your head.

2. You ignore your true calling.

It is not something you should ignore. This calling might feel strange to you. You might be concerned about how others will view or receive that work. You rationalize why you shouldn’t go down that path or distract yourself from other work. That inner voice is never silent.

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You just can’t ignore it anymore. It’s too exhausting and you feel too out of touch and unauthentic to ignore it.

3. You can become so consumed with insignificant tasks that you don’t have any time for your business.

A lot of brouhaha can be an unconscious defense mechanism against making changes. Brouhaha can manifest in the form of drama or emotional clutter, where important business items are at the bottom.

You are giving your time to something other than your business in each instance.

This could look like this: You have a big vision for your company but can’t even get started on the first step to make it happen. There may be people in your life that complain about how you spend your time or about the clutter in your home. Because it affects EVERY area of your life, your inability to prioritize can also impact your relationships with others.

These are the three most common problems. What is the solution? It’s your attitude.

When you become clear about your unique abilities and the details of what you offer, you will be more grounded and in touch with the value you provide. This will help you communicate your value to others.

Accepting your passion – the purpose of your business – and understanding that your ideal clients exist, it is easy to let go of your fear of being judged or hurt.

When you make yourself the priority in your own life, and realize that your value is not in what you do but who you are, you will be able to set priorities for where your attention and time.

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Your mindset is the key to all these solutions. Twitter won’t fix the problem. Neither will a newsletter.

You can change your thoughts by thinking differently. Your actions will also change as a result of new thoughts and words. It will feel natural. A new thought leads to new language which in turn leads to new actions.

Your business will change if you make changes in your life. That is 100% my guarantee!


Take on the role of a responsible business owner and look closely at your results and how you are achieving them. Are you ready to let go some beliefs or actions that aren’t generating the results you desire and replace them with new beliefs and actions.