How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur – Taking Action, Part 3 of 6

How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur - Taking Action, Part 3 of 6

Market Ready: Get Ready to Go!

How can you tell when you’re ready to act? How can you know if what you have is enough? Are you and your product ready for action?

It is not easy to start a business. It’s not about luck or gut feeling. You must develop specific skills and attributes to ensure that you get the best results from every action you take. What is the definition of results? Sales. The money that comes in the door. This is the stuff that keeps your company solvent.

Every business, including every shoe shop, coffee shop, and dental office, as well as any restaurant, cafeteria, hospital, manufacturer, and app store, survives and thrives because it is able to sell to customers. Michael Masterson believes that mastering this skill is essential to being a successful entrepreneur. You will be able to sell to customers and attract new customers once you have mastered the basics of business salesmanship, marketing, and negotiation. You know what the market wants, how to use specific marketing techniques to get first sales at the right price, and how to upgrade customers to buy higher-margin products. This will help you to keep your business afloat for many years.

When you’ve mastered these skills and have a valuable product or service and the know-how to communicate your value to the market, you are ready to move. How can you do this? Continue reading!

You can take action to promote your product or service.

The Offer
Explain to your customer what it means for them (you’re familiar with that radio station). WWIIFM? W-What’s in It for Me?
Describe the value of your product and how it will benefit your customer.
You don’t have to tell your customer why they need it. But let them know that you can provide what they want.
The Value
Products that are exceptional offer extraordinary value
Customers want to save money, reduce pain, avoid suffering, eliminate effort, solve problems, and achieve their desires. Deliver something that does at minimum one of these to them
The Demand
Understanding the different customer segments is vital. There is a smiling customer who says that they like your product/service. Then there’s the one who takes out her credit card to buy it.
MJ DeMarco states: “If your product or service is in its launch phase, have you CONFIRMED the demand by lining up paying customers who have arrived at the point of departure with their cash?” If the feedback is not in the form of purchase or preorder, positive feedback won’t pay the bills.
What can you do to create publicity that has a spillover effect?
You could think of a grand opening, raffle, or a limited-time or capacity-limited offer to get people to spread the word. For example, tickets for a concert on Saturday at 9:00 AM sell out at 9:04.
Think of what works as a trailer for a movie to generate excitement and buzz. Are your products or value propositions good enough to get your customers to share them on Facebook and Twitter, developing free advertising for your company? DO’s

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Keep in mind that perfection is not your goal. Once you realize that you need to learn the skills of selling and attracting customers, you will be able to move forward. Get started now. Next, tweak and improve.
Do not forget that once you have your product/service available, you need to focus 80% on attracting the first sales.
Do you know that your customer must be satisfied? Only then will you attract them again.


Don’t expect to be able to do everything by yourself. You may find yourself in need of assistance with marketing, copywriting, and sales.
Don’t be afraid to sell. Selling is essential to your survival as an entrepreneur. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a fraudster or are rude. If you have a product/service that you believe in, it delivers real value to people. You should always be a service provider. It would be wrong to keep your customers from learning about your product or service. Your business will grow, and that will help the economy. Your selling and building a business is ‘good’ in many ways.


Consider your product or service offering. All its features. Take a look at all the features and then translate them into benefits. Your benefits will transform the lives of your ideal customers.
Take a look at how you used your time last week, last month, and yesterday. Write down three things that you can do better to focus on attracting customers and closing sales. You should spend 80% of your time learning how to attract customers and then implementing the strategies so that they become loyal customers.

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