Cinderella Actually Had 3 Ugly Step Sisters: The 3 Blocks to Success

Cinderella Actually Had 3 Ugly Step Sisters The 3 Blocks to Success

If you ask people what they want from their careers, their businesses, or in life, usually the word Success appears at some moment. In fact, a lot of us would like to achieve success. But what prevents some from being successful, but not other people? Many things. There is a saying that the path to success is a footprint. I do believe there are some patterns that successful people follow: engaging in action, staying determined, taking bold but well-considered risks, having an effective support system, and staying positive, to name just a few. However, there are many serious saboteurs that frequently interfere with achievement. They create (and frequently are due to) uncertainty, fear, insecurity, doubt, and negative thinking. They appear as three blocks that try to prevent you from progressing and achieving your goals.

1. The Perfection Trap

Perfection Trap Perfection Trap is what causes you to doubt yourself every time you turn. It’s usually disguised as strength (“I have very high standards. “) However, it is actually the result of procrastination anxiety or fear of failing or failure. “The Perfection Trap is in some ways an expression of the Great Western disease: “I’ll be satisfied when… ” (fill your own blank!). People want to wait until they are “perfect” to take action with their ideas or strategies, thoughts as well as their interests and passions. The waiting game continues since the stars never seem to be perfectly aligned. What happens? The world (and often happiness and success!) pass you by.

Win Borden said, “If you don’t do anything until you’re confident that everything is done correctly, You’ll likely never accomplish any of it.” Don’t wait till everything’s right! Live your life now. Find your goals, follow your passions, start your company or make an application for the job, or ask your special person out on a date… however, you want to. There’s probably “enough” already in your resume to start moving in that direction. Keep in mind that done is better than perfect.

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2. The Comparison Trap

The Comparison Trap is often right there, waiting to be attacked. It’s the voice telling you, “I could never do this,” when you see the accomplishments of others, their successes, and joy. It requires you to look outside for your notion of success. You see others and compare yourself to them, and then you think that you’re less than others. When I work with clients, I establish a policy that the client must adhere to. No self-defeating talking! It’s surprising how it’s difficult for people to stick to this rule. The power of words is immense, and self-talk that is negative always places you in a loss situation.

The world is full of the feeling of competition. Women are prone to look at other women in a variety of areas, including their physical look, their parenting relationships as well as business. Men often evaluate themselves on the basis of the material things they own, their status, and wealth. It’s tiring to stay ahead of others! Take what other people have done as a reference, model, or template. But create your own. If you don’t, you’ll be a whirlwind of exploring a tiny amount of everything but learning and having fun with absolutely nothing.

The issue The problem with Comparison Trap is that it is totally wrong. There is no one who can stand on your shoulders. You’re the only person. The issue with believing they are ahead of you is that they believe that they are able to take on your shoes of yours. It recalls something actor Judy Garland once said: “Be the best version of yourself, not be a second-rate version of another.” A genuine copy is superior to an exact copy every time.

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3. The Impostor Syndrome

The harshest critic could be you. There’s a concept known as the Impostor Syndrome, which most successful individuals have. It’s when you feel like the fake, even though you’ve got the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to succeed in your field.

Jodie Foster has discussed the subject in a number of interviews. She stated that every when she was on a film set in her role as an actress or director, as her career was growing, she felt like an untruth and worried that she would be “found to be out.” This is coming from an accomplished performer from the time when she was a kid and also a celebrity according to the standards of most people. It isn’t a problem. When she looked into the mirror, she didn’t recognize that famous persona. She didn’t see herself as others did.

We often find ourselves judging ourselves harshly due to the fact that in our minds, we’re not quite there yet. We tend to think about the things we haven’t achieved yet, what needs to be accomplished, and the goals we haven’t yet achieved. Make a point of reliving the things you’ve done, how much you’ve transformed and grown, and the goals you’ve achieved. It’s often when we are on the path to becoming the person we want to be where the real change occurs. The term”authenticity” is frequently employed these days (some might argue that it’s over-used). Being authentic is being able to take ownership of your worth, which includes everything you contribute to the table, and being humble enough to acknowledge that you have a few steps to complete in your path. It doesn’t mean that you’re an imposter. It’s a sign of being human.

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