Outsourcing Your Writing

Outsourcing Your Writing

How freelance writers can benefit from outsourcing websites

In the past, freelance writers could only work with publishers, public relations agencies, or businesses that required specific writing work. Most writers must identify the need for the type of work they are able to provide, even if they have not previously worked for the company. The traditional avenues for finding work were newspaper ads, employment agencies, and word-of-mouth.

The Internet was born, and everything changed.

Businesses of all sizes began to use the internet for communication and marketing. These were among the first outsourcing websites that offered freelance writing work as well as specialists in other areas, such as software development and website design.

Guru and Elance are the two most established and successful outsourcing websites that I know of. Both have www.dot.com websites. Both sites offer work-on-demand, which is what freelance writers and other providers call it. PeoplePerHour and Freelancer.com are similar sites. oDesk announced that it was merging with Elance in December 2013.

My own Work Outsourcing Experience

My first experience with an outsourcing website was not as professional as the ones I had previously seen. It was brand new and was being launched by Bill or Bob, an IT specialist who was also a keen fisherman and Internet entrepreneur. Although he allowed me to register, none of the jobs that I bid on were open. Knowing what I now know, this would have been a very different situation. He was a fisherman…

Why you should consider an outsourcing site

Good outsourcing sites can offer you opportunities you won’t get anywhere else, whether you’re an experienced freelance writer or a novice writer looking to break into this industry. Unless you are lucky enough to find it:

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You see an advertisement for a job and find the job.

You can go to a recruiter, and they will know about suitable freelance writing opportunities.

You know someone who needs freelance writing.

And if you don’t, where are you going?

Outsourcing sites are not known for their quick money, but they offer legitimate opportunities for writers to make a living. These sites offer jobs that can help you make a living, no matter where you are located.

Outsourcing sites: How do they work?

Outsourcing sites all have one thing in common: they offer a platform for providers and employers: providers (who are the freelancers), post jobs. The employer can set a budget, but it is up to the freelancers and the provider to determine their price. You will see that not necessarily the lowest bid wins. Employers who are savvier will often choose the highest bidders because they present themselves better and will usually get better work.

You can find clear instructions on all the top sites to register and create a profile. Some sites are easier to use than others.

Elance offers a “university” that allows you to quickly “study” the system. Before they accept you as a provider, you must pass an entrance exam. In effect, this should stop inefficient or uneducated people from being allowed to offer their services. But in reality, it doesn’t. It’s a benefit for all providers, as it cuts out those who aren’t professionals. It doesn’t exclude talented writers with no experience who may not find their first clients elsewhere and won’t be able to get work anywhere else.

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The Best Outsourcing Sites

It is up to you to decide which outsourcing site suits your needs best. Although the best sites do not charge freelance writers to sign up, some, such as Elance and Guru, offer paid membership options that provide specific benefits.

I advise you to sign up for free and bid on as many jobs as possible before deciding which job site you like best. Although you may decide to bid on multiple sites, it is better to stick with one and build a good reputation.