3 Tips to Bringing Feminine Energy Into Masculine Business Models


3 Tips to Bringing Feminine Energy Into Masculine Business Models
Your most significant strength is also your most considerable weakness. This is true not only for people but also for things that are created by people.

The traditional business model is masculine. While this is a vital trait, it can also be a weakness. This is especially true for women who are too focused on their masculine energy and for men who might lose touch with their feminine side. We now have the opportunity to mix traditional business models with feminine energy as more women are joining the ranks of entrepreneurship.

While this may sound great in theory, it becomes a “How do you do that?” situation in reality. If you want to learn how to infuse your business with feminine energy and build it more easily, read on.

1. STOP and take a deep breath.

Masculine energy means moving toward a goal as quickly as possible. Although it’s evident that this is what you want to do when growing your business, you will burn out if you put too much energy into that energy. This is why the greatest strength and most significant weaknesses are opposite. This is where the feminine energy comes in, which is about stopping, breathing, and making time for YOU.

You’ll not only give yourself a much-needed rest, but you will also be able to take some time to breathe and see if this is the direction that you want to go. This brings me to my next tip.

2. Listen to your intuition.

Trusting your gut is a crucial strength for both men and women entrepreneurs. You can also thank your feminine side for your intuition.

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The problem is, most of us don’t believe it or can’t hear it. It is possible to listen to our intuition by taking the time to slow down, breathe, and listen. As we listen to our intuition and see how accurate it is, we will learn to trust it.

3. Learn to give.

Feminine energy revolves around receiving. For many, it is uncomfortable to receive. We are more at ease giving energy. If we don’t have the ability to give, how will we be able to receive money for our clients, sales, or business?

We need to learn to receive.

This was a struggle for me. I learned to accept compliments as a way to learn to receive them. I used to be someone who ignored compliments. This is part of my Midwestern Wisconsin roots, I suspect. Instead, I began to say “Thank You,” really meaning it and staying silent. Instead of turning it around or ignoring it, I allowed myself to simply receive the compliment.

It was not easy. In fact, it is still not easy to do, but it is easier. It’s made a big difference in my business and my personal life.

These tips have actually helped me to slow down and allow the feminine to enter my business, which in turn has helped me feel less stressed and overwhelmed. I hope they can do the same for your business.