Dealing With The Loneliness Of Working At Home

Dealing With The Loneliness Of Working At Home

Many ENTREPRENEURS dream of working at home and cutting the 9 to 5 work hours.

They fail to see the downsides.

You have the freedom to set your own schedule but it can also lead to isolation.

Despite everything looking great initially, it can quickly turn to a rose without anyone to talk with.

You can no longer take the same things you had in your job as a “real” employee when you work remotely. You won’t find casual conversations at the water tower or brainstorming sessions with your co-workers.

Particularly women seem to struggle with isolation because they hold relationships in higher regard.

Research has shown that isolation is a major fear for women. This is why women leave their home businesses most often.

There are ways to solve the problem, and these are some of them:


It is best to not go into your business venture by yourself. This doesn’t mean you should form a partnership with everyone. You’ll need to ensure that they share the same vision and values as you. There are other options available.

You could have different people working on different projects, instead of having one person work on your business idea. A team with a working business plan might be a good option. Consortiums are another option, which allow you to team up with non-competitive businesses to capture a particular market.

You don’t have to be able to work from home to run your business. You can share an office space or work from home with a friend.

Co-working spaces are being created all across the country for solo entrepreneurs, freelancers, contractors, and others who want to share their work but still own their businesses.

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You may do a lot of your work online. This basically means that you can work from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection.

To determine which scenario is best for you, identify some people that you want to get to know and then discuss your ideas with them.


Find out if there are any local groups that hold regular networking events. This is a great way for people to meet and mix. Do that and you will get to know your peers, not just potential clients.

If you feel that the group’s tone is a bit casual, you might consider looking for success teams or action clubs that have a structured approach to their meetings.

If the idea of attending group meetings seems overwhelming, you can always choose to meet one-on-one. Business professionals often seek out a coach for their personal and professional lives. It can be very helpful to have someone to talk through your struggles and help you stay focused on your job.

You can only get the best advice from someone who has been there. Ask someone you admire to mentor you.


Instead of spending your time talking on the phone to potential clients, meet them for coffee or lunch.

These meetings could lead to you building a relationship and allowing for a more flexible way of doing business. Be sure to limit the meeting to business-appropriate locations.

It is important to believe that work and play are not healthy. You can block out days and make use of that time to meet new friends and get out of your house.

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