For entrepreneurs without a large budget for marketing, there are a variety of ways to get the word out about your business. All you need is some imagination and a willingness to hang around in the areas in which you’re most likely to reach your market. This means taking advantage of every occasion – from your kid’s ball game to your niece’s wedding to sneak your message of marketing into every conversation. It’s not only people who meet in person that can benefit from the use of guerrilla marketing strategies. You can utilize print, internet, and other media to market your company on a tight budget. Look over the examples below and decide if any inspire an idea.
1. Make a list and keep Your Marketing
You’ve got a site, isn’t it? Does it utilize an effective SEO to get traffic to your site? The most important thing is to get visitors to your website and then take advantage of the traffic by inviting users to join the mailing lists of your site. This gives you the chance to provide them with marketing materials that can turn into clients over time.
So, how do you convince users to join? Guerrillas have no idea. It doesn’t require anything more than an opt-in area (use low-cost or even free software like Mail Chimp) and gives some freebies. Make use of your imagination to create an attractive deal that doesn’t cost any money. For instance, your no-cost offer, also known as”pink spoon “pink spoon,” can be an hour-long telephone consultation (lawyers and accountants, business consultants) as well as a website template and spreadsheet calculation (internet marketers, web developers) as well as a podcast or ebook (any company). It’s free, and you can add subscribers to your mailing list. This is advertising that’s guerrilla!
2. Make use of Visual Social Media
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+) is an excellent way to advertise your business. Everybody wants to see cool things and share them with their loved ones. The best social media marketing campaigns become viral due to their stunning images or truly imaginative situations that are presented through photos or video.
What about turning the launch of your company into a mini-movie that you can post your video on YouTube? Maybe you can take one of your items and use Photoshop to make it appear on pictures of famous landmarks – such as placing your business’s game, food, or toy before The Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Eiffel Tower, or whatever makes sense for your product. Upload a sequence of photos beginning with the first and then tease the others, making it an actual game. This strategy is perfect for the following method:
3. Create a Meme
It doesn’t matter if it’s a cartoon figure such as a person, an image or symbol, or a meme that identifies your company and the services it offers is a great method of establishing brand recognition and expanding the reach of marketing. It’s nothing (or extremely little); however, it takes time and effort. The company’s theme might be something like a pet, an animated doll persona.
The trick is to constantly link it with your business name so that it becomes part of your branding (think about your Geico gecko). Utilize social media to further expand this strategy by creating a Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ page as well as a Twitter account.
4. Form a Joint Venture
Joint ventures permit you to exchange lists, share marketing materials, and possibly offer bundles of goods or services. Partnerships with another business owner from a similar and non-competitive field can be an extremely unconventional method of marketing, particularly if you employ some imagination and thought to think of an unconventional partnership. Perhaps a seamstress could be paired with an exercise or diet program? What about a catering business with virtual offices? You can imagine a catering company and a virtual office – explore the possibilities in order to access a new market.
5. Print Media Print Media
There are many options to promote your company using just a printer and some paper. The trick to making your marketing more guerrilla-like is to take advantage of less obvious opportunities. For example, taxi services could attract a large number of new customers by placing business cards on the windshield wipers of every vehicle that is parked at an establishment. If you’re marketing to an overwhelmingly female audience, How about putting up an advertisement covered with lip-smacking “kisses” and tears-off slips (include your contact number and email address, as well as your URL) in front of the mirrors in a restroom in a restaurant? A particularly imaginative dentist put two pieces of pink paper over a city phone handset and tacked tear-off slips that were designed to look like teeth.
Guerrilla marketing provides a means for entrepreneurs who are creative to start a new venture to make the launch memorable without spending a lot of money.
Do you want to learn more about low-cost methods to promote your small-scale company? For business owners who are new and seeking assistance, Web Navigator Gal will help you navigate towards growth and profitability. With years of experience in marketing for companies with international renown, including Disney and Fox. Sony and Mattel, The Web Navigator Gal is able to create a successful online presence and your marketing on the internet up to date. Visit her website for marketing to find out more about how simple you can get your business recognized on the internet.