4 Ways Entrepreneurs Spin

4 Ways Entrepreneurs Spin

I’ve heard from a lot of business owners recently who feel stuck as if they’re spinning their wheels and staying where they are instead of taking a step ahead.

There are a few things that are striking me regarding what could be contributing to the feeling of anger and overwhelming that seems to be the case in the present for some particularly newer business owners.

Here are the top four ways I’ve seen entrepreneurs stuck. Check if you can identify yourself in one (or any) of these scenarios and If so, follow the steps I suggest to you to help you get back on track and move forward.

1. Remaining in the BS funnel

This is something that my first coach came up with and is a place where businesses and their owners gather in order to remain safe because of a myriad of reasons.

In essence, what it means is that instead of putting hours and effort in their marketing funnel (or HourGlass in my model of business) They are instead doing their work on the BS funnel, which includes re-designing their website and creating their email signature, writing sales pages for the hundredth time before publishing it online redesigning the business card, creating lists and getting organized, wasting time on social media, etc.

There’s a place and time for everything, however, not if you’re worried about cash flow. If you’re worried about cash flow, it is important to concentrate on making proposals and finding clients or customers. The rest can wait. Once you’ve got the bread-and-butter cash flow (whatever your minimum) then you’re free to rest within your BS funnel for a few minutes.

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Action Step: Be truthful and identify whether you’re spinning due to the BS funnel. If so commit to being free of the funnel and remaining out by being aware of your progress ahead. Create a “money list” (it must be brief) that only includes the things which will earn you money, and then focus on them instead.

2. The idea of building their list, but not doing anything consistent to construct it.

It’s true that list-building isn’t as glamorous or exciting but it’s a necessity, more so than only a few years back.

So if you’re thinking, “I know I need to create my list, but …” you’re not making your list. It’s unlikely that you’ll get any response to your offer – whether for free or at a cost – in the absence of an extensive audience to pitch an offer to.

Many business owners make the outcome of their offer on inadequate information – which is that there are not enough people to expose their offer in front of them to be able to provide evidence of whether your strategy is working or not.

Like you’d like to know the number of responses to a survey prior to being able to take advantage of that data to make a decision that is based on data, you should have a comprehensive list of responses prior to making an informed decision on whether or not your propositions are receiving a response.

Action Step: Select two list-building strategies that you can add to your ongoing marketing calendar, and start implementing the strategies now. Each month until your list-building is working and has its own momentum.

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3. Distracted by a myriad of new thoughts instead of keeping on a single project at a

I’ll admit that at times I am exhausted listening to how many “new” concepts, techniques, and tools business owners are trying to implement in a single day.

You’re aware of what happens when you’re squandered in this way? A lot of nothing. Seriously.

A DIRECTION: Choose one of the projects on your “money list’ and concentrate on it until completion. If you are distracted, and eventually think: “Is this related to my work?” You’ll know what to do If there isn’t.

4. Unaware of the fact that it takes time and in the business for it to begin creating regular revenue

I’m not referring to the distinction between working on and within your business like Michael Gerber. What I’m saying is that it requires time, both in terms of dedicating time to building the business you run on a regular basis as well as the time to allow the seeds you’ve planted in the present to flourish throughout the years to be.

It’s a series of tiny steps to get where you want to be. There are times when it’s too difficult however, the most successful people are those who keep keeping one foot over the other regardless of how difficult it feels.