3 Tips For Using Your Facebook Page To Build Your Business

3 Tips For Using Your Facebook Page To Build Your Business

Social media has a myriad of platforms to attract new clients. For my clients and me, Facebook is typically the most appropriate choice.

If this is the case for you, follow the following tips to begin by creating a Facebook page to promote your company or to increase your success.

1.) Take yourself seriously.

Don’t hide behind your company brand’s name or branding. Utilize your image rather than a logo as your profile photo. The cover image of your page could be a copy of your website’s logo or a stock photo that is a good representation of your company.

Incorporate your name in full in the title for your page on Facebook If you are able to. Make sure your name appears at a minimum once in the descriptive fields. (I’m surprised by how often I’m unable to identify the person who runs an account without doing much digging.)

Your prospective client wants to meet a knowledgeable just like yourself, and not an anonymous firm, who can assist her in achieving the transformation she’d like to see.

2.) Be constant.

There are numerous theories on how you can most efficiently share content on the Facebook pages you have. I suggest trying out the kinds of posts you publish and the frequency at which you post them until you find what results in the highest engagement with your specific group of followers.

The most important thing is to maintain a consistent tone and message and post frequently (once every day is a good place to start). Use the built-in calendar feature on the Facebook profile to help you do this.

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You can share valuable advice such as recipes inspiring quotes, as well as informative videos. You may also share hyperlinks to articles and videos from other experts; however, make sure to do it less often and always add your own opinions or comments using the hyperlink.

Make sure you share your email opt-in for a free gift regularly and sometimes also provide your Breakthrough Session or other products. Make sure that the primary focus of your site is on giving value, but remember that you’re running a company. Be evident that you provide products and services that are related to the helpful advice you offer.

Be consistent with your brand’s message. This begins with clearness about the ideal customer. For instance, if, for example, you are a specialist in teaching parents who work full time how to cook healthy meals for the family, do not post an article you read about an 80-year old vegan who ran a marathon. Make sure you stick to topics that are most interesting to your ideal clients. In doing so, you’ll earn trust and a greater level of engagement.

Take a step outside of your comfort zones and publish your personal story on your personal business page in a way you are comfortable with. Some coaches enjoy this and often publish personal stories and pictures of their families and themselves to bring the message of their brand to life in a fun manner.

If this does not sound like fun to you, then try finding your own way to do this. Perhaps you aren’t comfortable posting photos of your family’s hike. However, you could share a link to your most loved trails and perhaps some words on the reasons you enjoy hiking. Each time you appear on the internet as someone living the kind of life that your customers would like to live, you’re bringing them closer to you and creating a brand.

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3) Be patient.

I often suggest a Facebook company page to clients who already use Facebook frequently. If you’re already on Facebook and you’re at ease with the site, it’s a good idea to introduce your business to Facebook (if you’re certain that it’s where your ideal customers are as well).

Don’t focus all your Facebook time getting likes. Make sure you invite your friends and share the URL to your Facebook page on your profile page as well as in your emails and on your website, and in conversations with friends in person. You can also participate with “Fan Page Friday” Events and Like Swaps.

Instead, focus on engaging your audience. It’s no help to have 1000 followers and only get 15 people to read your post. To make your posts more accessible to your fans on your page, you must get them to comment, like, or share posts. To achieve this, follow the tips above in regard to testing different post types and frequency, as well as being consistent with your messages and tone.

You might want to consider boosting your posts. Just $5 every now and then, and you’ll likely be able to reach hundreds of followers with the article. If they’re interested, they can comment or share the post. The same people are more likely to view your next posts. Utilize this feature to promote an article that already has an interest. You can include by providing a link to your no-cost gift ezine sign-up or a limited-time deal.

It’s very inexpensive, and you can experiment to see what results in you’ll get.

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The results of business building the use of a Facebook page can vary, so I would suggest that you add a great deal of patience when it comes to this aspect of your overall marketing plan. Continue to use your other tools for marketing (including your blog or ezine, talking, and networking) regularly to achieve the best overall performance for your business. Your brand’s growth requires your support from all directions.

Information about the author: Heather Cottrell, HHC, HLC of getting Awesome Tech will show health professionals, wellness specialists, and other entrepreneurs who are creating what technology can do to improve your business’s performance and make your life easier. With solutions to every stage that your enterprise is in, Get Awesome Tech offers business coaching, web design, and marketing strategies for online platforms specifically developed for wellness professionals who are creative and have a mindset to succeed.