What Are You Willing To Do To Have Impact?

What Are You Willing To Do To Have Impact

Are you living an intense and vivid vision of the impact you’d like to create around the world, the effect you’d like it to make? Are you able to see your vision evolving?

Regardless whether or not the idea comes true is contingent on the outcome of these questions:

What will you accomplish to be a positive influence? What are you prepared to do?

As an undergraduate in college, and actually, since I had reached ten years of age, I longed to become a doctor. When I submitted my application to medical school but was not accepted, I was devastated. My dreams were crushed.

In the years following, I realized that I had not had the courage to go through the steps for acceptance to medical school. I had the ability. However, I wasn’t willing. I was busy exploring the new liberty of making my own choices. I didn’t do it by having a party because I’m not a party girl. However, I was choosing how I wanted to spend my time in various tiny ways. At the time, my choices and my goals didn’t match.

Your impact is similar as well. Your result will be as a concept, a vision until you act through choices that match your goals. You must be prepared to work hard to make the effort of making an impact.

It could sound like a slog or a push from behind. Sometimes, it can appear this way.

What really propels you forward is motivation, determination to achieve your goal and a decision to act in a manner that is aligned with your plan.

The commitment to aligned action can be expressed in two different ways.

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1. Determine who you must be to achieve the impact you desire to create, and then you can become the person you want to be.

There are hidden capacities in you that have not been revealed fully. Your impact vision might bring these capabilities forward.

As an example, as an entrepreneur, you’re already an effective leader. What is the impact you envision likely to demand you take the lead? To get ideas, take a look at the people around your surroundings. What behaviour does a leader model that you’d like to replicate? What qualities do you wish to master that will help you be a better leader?

If you learn and practice modelling, it will help you become that person.

The impact isn’t a spectator game. You must step into the arena and begin to practice.

It may seem like it’s a huge undertaking to be an individual. However, it’s rarely done by leaps of faith. It’s more of a thing you can do every day.

That brings us to our next point:

2. Choose how you’d like to be present every day.

What you do in your interactions with you and other people can be a great sign of your commitment to your vision of impact. You might be wondering what this might look like for you. Here are a few examples of thinking about:

Are you compassionate? Are you concerned about others and demonstrate that by being attentive in your interactions?

Are you dismissive? Are you demonstrating to people that they’re unworthy of your attention through the speed at which you move through the crowd, never stopping to look at them?

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It’s the small scale that has an impact. Your choices every day about how you present yourself can add up. They build up to be the person you want to be.

Your appearance can affect your choices of actions.

Your actions influence how you appear.

In this positive relationship, your appearance impacts your mood and the way you behave. If you conduct yourself in a manner that’s consistent with how you would like to be present, in the way you desire to make you’re the person you want to be to make the impact you wish to make and inspire you to be even more.

To make a difference, What is the most effective moment to put these changes in place? Now!

The impact vision you have without action is nothing more than the dream. It’s not going to become a reality.

You’re a dreamer, a visionary. Have you created a company, isn’t it?

This isn’t the entire picture. However, there is a lot of impacts—people who only dream remain stuck with an idea. You are not one of them. You’re looking to make an impact. You’re also action-oriented.

The process of becoming the person with an impact is a part of your plan of action. You can be active every day by presenting yourself as the one who can make a difference.

Are you ready to go the extra mile to be influential?