Too Many Gurus: Why Less Is More and How to Refocus

Too Many Gurus Why Less Is More and How to Refocus

You’re overwhelmed with the amount of information that you receive and read daily from marketing and business experts?

It’s easy to be excited about trying new techniques in your company and end with following many professionals on social media and signing up for their newsletters and eZines.

However, over time, this could lead to too many experts with too much confusion and not enough time to complete all the things they claim you should be doing.

While it could appear that having a cult following of a few leading experts is beneficial, however, following too many experts could cause a disruption to the results you’re getting and hinder your overall success in the end.

I often observe this in new entrepreneurs, where their mind is ablaze with ideas, yet they feel like they’re way behind in their efforts to expand their business, and they’re confused by the various directions that they are pulled in.

To illustrate how easily this could happen, One marketing expert suggests that you try “x” and claims it’s going to benefit you to solve all of your issues. So, you start doing “x”. Another business development expert believes that ‘x’ is just an unnecessary waste of time and that you should choose “y” instead. Also, they seldom give you the exact steps to take to accomplish everything, just that you must.

There are more self-proclaimed experts than ever before, all eager to offer you the benefits of their knowledge and inform the secrets to success. It can drive you mad trying to learn the latest trends, strategies, and techniques.

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What do you do?

The first step is to be truthful… do you feel in the habit of following too many of these experts? Are you enrolled in numerous programs in the hope of finding the best step-by-step strategy to make you rich? Are you feeling like you’re always chasing the most significant and most brilliant objects promising that the world that your problems are solved?

If yes, here are six strategies to help you get rid of your guru habit and become more focused on accelerating your performance:

1.) Find the one factor that can aid you in growing your business the fastest.

What exactly do you have to accomplish? Do you require the creation of products? Increase your marketing? Increase your profits? Develop a team to take your business to the next step?

Once you’ve decided on your one primary goal, you will be able to focus on it. It’s the only thing you should be focusing on.

2.) Choose the top experts in the subject area you require.

You must be more selective in the sources you seek advice from. Select a select group of mentors that have something valuable to share.

Seek out specialists who can challenge your assumptions and challenge your thinking. Be sure that they have something meaningful to say and aren’t simply a bunch of sales.

3) Go on an eZine Diet.

If you’ve signed up for many newsletters, cut your list to the three most important ones which will aid you most in the chosen field. Unsubscribe to all the others.

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You can also try services like Unroll. Me which combines the smaller eZines in one daily rollup, so they don’t end up overflowing your inbox.

4) Cut Down Your Facebook Likes.

If you’re adhering to a myriad of gurus, that can be distracting you. Reduce your options to those who provide something of value in their articles and are relevant to your main goal.

To view the pages you’ve enjoyed, visit your profile on the internet and search for “Likes” in the row of choices under your name. You might have to click the downward button next to “More” to find it.

5) Make Uninterrupted Time to Read Your Mentor’s Advice.

Take a moment to think about it. Ponder it. Think about how you can implement it, and then apply it to your life.

It’s not worth it if you have read about a brilliant idea and then don’t apply it. Following through is about achieving results.

6) Go Deeper.

If you genuinely feel in accordance with the principles of your mentor, figure out ways to move it further. Purchase the product. Join a group of coaches they’re leading. Employ their services.

You can also consider private mentoring by them. If you are considering the cost of working together, you should weigh carefully the cost against the worth of the outcomes you get. The cost of mentorship will be repaid to you multiple times over the benefits to your business and personal life you will receive.

What’s the chance cost of having a coaching relationship and not staying in the same spot?

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Susan Friesen is the founder of eVision Media, a boutique web development and Digital Marketing company with more than 15 years, specializing in developing, building and marketing expert original websites for businesses, entrepreneurs and other organizations.