The Truth About Entrepreneurship

The Truth About Entrepreneurship

A person may start a business for many reasons. There are many reasons why someone might start a business, from selfish motivations like wanting to be the boss to survival motives such as self-preservation. No matter what reason, it is important to meditate and contemplate before you start a business.

Sometimes, I believe that a person can see the potential for success in their business even if it seems unlikely. This could be because their family doesn’t understand their vision, or they are simply not able to see the bigger picture. When start-ups are asked how it’s going, the most common response is, “It’s going swell!” The most common answer to save face is, “It’s going well!”

But the truth is that starting a business can be one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do. And it’s rare for things to go well in the beginning stages. Although many people claim to be entrepreneurs, I’m sure very few can live up to that title. Entrepreneurship is a skill that requires a specific type of person to do it. People who complain that it is too difficult to work a 9-5 job should not consider becoming entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is a truth:

Forget the apollo creed: ‘Failure is not an Option.’
Do not forget to keep your single focus’ as a goal.
Review John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” and remember the principles
Be ready to give, give and give.
Failure is the only option.

All of us know, love and respect the cherished ‘failure not an option’ quote by Apollo 13 Astronaut. The truth is that failure is the only way to succeed as an entrepreneur. You must expect failure as an entrepreneur. But it is essential to embrace it! While failures are not critical, the ability to bounce back after them is what will determine your entrepreneurial spirit.

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Use Wide Angle Lens

To achieve success, we have been taught that you must single focus’. Although this is true in a minimal sense, it is still valid. It is essential that entrepreneurs remain focused, but it is even more critical to identify their uniqueness. This can only be done by looking at the industry from a broader perspective and studying it through a ‘wide-angle lens.

Of Mice and Men

Steinbeck’s characters are subject to trials and difficulties. Entrepreneurs can learn the most valuable lesson from Steinbeck’s characters: “The best-laid plans of mice or men often go astray.” The business plan is just a structure for the company. Don’t be too concerned if plans diverge from the plan. Entrepreneurialism demands flexibility. Your success is determined by your ability to adapt while still working towards company goals.

Give but don’t expect to receive

Remember Sunday School’s motto, “Give, and you will receive.” This applies unless you’re an entrepreneur who is starting your own business. You will always give before you receive anything in return as a startup. You may be asked to take on multiple pro bono projects depending on your industry. Understanding the strategy is crucial and understanding that you need to go through the process of “giving” in order to receive unconditionally.

Entrepreneurship can be a wonderful and liberating way to live. If you know the truths of the entrepreneurial spirit, then you’ll succeed!