Money Power and You

Money Power and You

Money. Money is never neutral, no matter how much you have. Cash has an emotional charge, regardless of whether you are a good investor or heavily in debt. It’s not the money that matters, but how it affects our lives. Money can’t buy love, but it affects everything you love. It can affect where you live with your family, how you dress, what car you drive, your clothing choices, where your children go to school, the quality and quantity of your food, and where and when you travel. Where are you with your money? Are you content with what you have? Do you feel confident in your financial position?

When we are able to manage money responsibly, money flows more easily into our lives. Trust is built over time. What can you do to build trust in yourself and your money? You can make your finances more secure and have greater financial integrity. It’s much easier to make and save more money when you start from this place. Here’s a quick coaching exercise that will help you feel financially strong, fit, and ready to take on more.

Personal Financial Integrity

These are some things that could keep you from financial alignment. You should check any of these.

_ I have not paid bills or paid them late

_ I have a lot of debt and no plan to repay it.

_ I have a stack of receipts that must be filed

_ My taxes have not been paid or are past due.

_ I spend more money than I make.

_ I am behind in my bookkeeping

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_ I rarely have enough cash in my wallet

_ I don’t have an emergency fund

_ My insurance does not cover the needs of my family

_ I don’t have any solid investments for my future.

Personal Money Power

How powerful do you feel about money on a scale from 1-10?

What would you like this number to represent?

Why is that?

What’s a straightforward thing you can do to make your money more secure?

Only you can determine your financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. Although budgeting is an integral part of the process, I feel that it is not the only thing. Budgets can be likened to diets. No one seems to follow them. In all honesty, you can only save your way to wealth. Growth and expansion are vital keys. It may not be as difficult as you think, and it might even be more fun than quitting Starbucks.

Hunter Phoenix is a Certified Life & Success Mentor, National Speaker, Author of “Perfect Lives and Other Fairy Tales,” and the creator of the Life By Design(TM) and Biz Breakthrough (TM) Coaching Systems. Her clients find the perfect balance between self-care and rapid growth by designing their lives and businesses rather than living them by default. Hunter has worked with people in the entertainment, legal, and health care industries as well as artists, executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners across North America.