Love God With All Your Heart by Starting a Business

Love God With All Your Heart by Starting a Business

The most important commandment of Christianity is “love God Your God by all of your mind, heart and body, soul and strength, and also to be a good neighbor to your neighbors.” What better way to reach this goal than by starting your own company?

Here are the best five ways to be a Lover of God when you start your own business:

1. Begin by praying about the path you are going to pursue.

This is the primary thing to consider to establish the solid foundation that the rest of your steps are based on. Consider what business and, more specifically, what God desires you to build. Determine whether God really would like you to begin an enterprise and what you would be the best to explore to meet his needs and the needs of your neighbor. Consider God first and consider ways you can help God by serving others. Consider that whenever you do business, you’re directly serving God. This is especially helpful to keep you from making unwise business decisions!

2. Eliminate the wrong notions.

The business has earned itself an unpopular image today because people are quoting the Bible and claim that “Money is the cause of every evil.” The Scripture actually states that the “LOVE of wealth is the cause of everything evil.” There’s a huge difference between the two quotations due to the fact that God does not think that business is bad. However, he believes that a love for the business over God is a sin. If you’re a fan of money, you might be tempted to do evil things to earn more money. If you are a lover of God, then you will be able to resist bad habits and look for the most efficient ways to conduct business. Therefore “first search for to be in the Kingdom of God and all other aspects will be added to your.” If you are devoted to God with every fiber of your being and have the right beliefs in business that it’s in line with God’s love for God, You’re on the right path.

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3. Once you’ve decided that starting your own business

could be the best way to serve God and you’ve got an intense desire to build your company to achieve the same goal, you’re unstoppable! If you’re a believer with a strong conviction and a solid understanding that you’re ready to either succeed or fail instead of having to think indecisively about what you should do. Jesus declared, “I have come to start a fire, and I’m wishing it was already burning!” We need to have “faith that can move mountains” when we set out to serve God by launching our own business.

4. If you’ve found the love for your company and are eager to be a part of its joys and triumphs,

you are prepared to “build the kingdom of God.” Jesus had a skill as a woodworker; Paul was a tent-maker. What do you want to be? Find your passion and become proficient in it. “Separate between the wheat and the chaff” When you are working in a way that is the best quality and nurtures that aptitude in yourself as well as your abilities and behaviors. Christians can be described as “members of the Body made up of Christ.” There are armies, others have legs, and a few are spleens. What is God telling you to do?

5. When you’ve learned the basics,

you can determine how to complete all the paperwork required as well as additional “fine-tuning” matters you have to take care of. Get your accountant and lawyer or other skills ready to assist other people. According to Teilhard de Chardin stated, “We are not material beings experiencing spiritual experiences. Spiritual beings have physical experiences.” First, we must bring our spirits back into the right place; then, we can tackle physical and mental requirements. Learning to master all the bells and whistles is an indicator of determination, discipline, and dedication to work as well as every other quality.

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We can be devoted to God most when we serve God and his people. How can we best serve God in the present?