Knowledge Is Power? Hogwash!

Knowledge Is Power Hogwash!

Misconceptions Of Knowledge

During my daily readings of Think & Grow Rich, which is one of the most important things anyone can do for their own well-being, I found a section that resonated deeply with me. It dealt with knowledge: general and specialized.

Chapter 5 begins with the statement, “General knowledge is of little value in the accumulation and maintenance of wealth.” In the aggregate, the faculties of great universities have almost every type of general knowledge known to humanity. The majority of professors do not have much money. While they are experts in teaching-learning, they don’t specialize in the organization or use of that knowledge.

It was just a repetition of what I know as a golf instructor, but it was written in a way that was powerful.

It is virtually impossible to become wealthy if you don’t have specialized knowledge. They might also be doomed to wealth if they specialize in industries that aren’t known for their wealth and continuous growth in technology.

A new student who comes to me to learn golf lessons will be learning both specialized knowledge and how to apply it over time. To achieve any goal in life-related to change, one must take similar actions.

Specializing Knowledge Can Be Uncomfortable

Most people find change uncomfortable. They prefer to stay in their comfort zone. This means that they never make any real progress in areas that could be of the most significant benefit to their lives.

How can people make the decision to be temporarily uncomfortable to acquire specialized knowledge that will change their lives? Sometimes it’s a frightening event. Sometimes, it’s a glance in the mirror. It doesn’t matter what the cause is, and it should be appreciated even if it is forced. All of us have flaws. These things are most often self-aware.

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Most people go to college for general knowledge. While we may narrow our focus on what we like, the most valuable thing is the experience gained in the workplace. Many college graduates find that what they have learned in school is often insignificant in comparison to what they know in the real world.

It is incredible to see the world go online with all of its technology. This world’s 35-year-olds can remember a time before the internet and cell phones. However, they cannot imagine life without them. All things that are important to you, such as money, lifestyle, culture, and KNOWLEDGE, have moved or are currently moving online.

Be a Leader through Knowledge

Whatever one considers themselves an expert in, there are still many things to learn and new ways to improve. You can also improve your self-esteem and life by getting out of your comfort zone and learning how to be an influencer and leader online.

Imagine a world in which everyone made a genuine effort to help others and led them to the correct answers. You can fix anything. You can achieve anything. There are many ways to accomplish this. Some of this information is inaccurate or not reliable. There is always an opportunity to make a difference in this often frightening world.

Many, many people have discovered a way to leverage their unique knowledge on a large scale. The first step is to read Think & Grow Rich every day. You then focus on being a resource for expert advice. With the proper specialized knowledge, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

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