How to Start Online Without Money

How to Start Online Without Money

Many people will tell you if you are serious about starting an online business, that you need a website.

Although it is true that you will eventually require a website in order to generate residual income through a squeeze page or blog, you can start online first without spending any money.

You can start your online business without spending any money.

They are:

Setting up a Facebook Fan Page and registering for a Facebook Account.

You can create a YouTube account by using either an iPhone or a webcam.

These are the two best ways to get started online without spending money on a website.

These are more advantageous than owning a website. However, there are also some cons.


These two methods have the advantage of being on the top traffic sites. And unlike when you first created a website, you don’t need to worry about backlinking correctly. You are using the top traffic sites that are classified as authority sites regardless of where your backlink is.

YouTube videos have another advantage: YouTube videos rank higher on Google. If done correctly, you’re more likely to rank a YouTube video higher in Google than a site.

It may take time for a website or blog to gain page rank. However, a video is a quick hit on the rank checker.

You will also get more clicks for your website or affiliate links if you upload videos. But you must do it correctly.


There are, however, a few drawbacks to this product, including:

1) If you do anything that Google considers to be inappropriate or unusual, your YouTube account could be closed at any moment. YouTube is owned by Google. Your YouTube channel is technically not yours.

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2) It could take some time for your channel to come back, even if you weren’t doing anything wrong. In some cases, it may never happen!

You need to ask yourself if starting online without any money is a good idea in the long term.

A website is the best way to maximize your video sharing potential.

You might also consider subscribing to a video site such as Viddler or Vimeo. This will allow you to host your videos on a paid sharing network, so your videos are protected in the event that Google decides to close you down.

Do not think only about the immediate; consider the long-term!

You will eventually need to invest money in your online business.

If you’re interested in learning more about video marketing, click the link below to receive your FREE VIDEO. It will show you how to rank videos highly in search engines in 24 hours…