Handle Your Haters

Handle Your Haters

Your productivity this week was so impressive that others were able to help but notice you. You should not be disappointed if you aren’t satisfied with your results.

You must be ready for the haters if you’re rocking. The haters are already after you if you’re not living your life to the fullest.

When my production drops, I take a look at the people who have influenced my results. It is essential to be able to deal with the naysayers and haters.

Even if the naysayers and haters don’t affect you, they could be involving your staff. Take a look at your employees. Are you seeing anyone who is not enthusiastic, motivated, or creative? It’s costing them.

There are many people who will tell you, “You can’t,” or “it’s too risky, it’s impossible.” But you also have cheerleaders and support. Elena, my wife, is my greatest supporter. She describes it as a “ping.” This feeling that you get when someone makes a dig at your character, a judgment, or some “criticism.”

You can either be rolling, or you have been derailed. You might hear family members tell you that everyone has terrible months. This is absurd advice, and you should stop believing it. These people spread lies and venom without realizing it.

Your friends, schools, the media, and social media. There are endless people spewing hate and opinions your way. It’s so widespread that most people don’t know it’s happening.

Remember the rule that success and money follow attention. You won’t be able to get either without drawing haters or naysayers. You must accept that you are operating below your potential if you do.

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These are five things you should know about critics, naysayers, and haters.

1. They are quitters, not naysayers.

People who tell you you can’t achieve something are quitters. “Become multimillionaire,” you say. “I am a quitter, and I hope you quit too. It will make sense why I quit,” Naysayers say.

2. The spectators are the critics and naysayers.

The spectators are not able to give feedback or take criticism. Spectators are often too busy watching the success of others to have success in their lives. While I appreciate coaching and correction from other players, I will not accept criticism from spectators or naysayers.

3. Never get emotional.

Keep your cool when you’re being “pinged by” the haters or critics. You can say, “Thanks, I’ll take it into account.” Throw it away. Do not get emotional. It can cause problems with productivity. Keep your eyes on the prize and remain rational.

4. Fear the hater but not those who listen.

Your family and friends, as well as members of your team, who buy into hate speech, are more dangerous than the haters. Eliminate the people who pass on criticisms’ rubbish.

5. Never let a hater down.

You should not let naysayers or haters get in the way of your success. Instead, use them as fuel to propel you to new heights. Many people have shared their stories of how they used naysayers as a way to achieve success.

Do you want to be truly successful? You must remember that success has always been measured by being criticized, hated, and underestimated. This is your life motto for dealing with the haters: “One week they love me, the next they hate me, both weeks they get paid.”

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