Defeating Depression at Work

Defeating Depression at Work

I am a big believer in making your own path in life. I would rather not be a part of a “job” or have to report to anyone but myself. However, I can see why sometimes this is necessary in order to achieve specific goals. To build up seed money so that you can eventually do your own thing. This is what I did.

However, I felt like a caged tiger ready to attack, despite being at work for over 30 hours a week.

When I think back to the time I worked at a job that made me sad, I remember going to a carnival with my grandma when I was about 5 or 6. The tiger was sitting on a trailer flatbed, his neck strained by a small chain, and everyone was taking $5 pictures of him. He sat down, depressed, and stared out into the distance. He might have been tranquilized; shit. I could not help but think …” That predator could kill us all with a single swipe of its paw. “Why doesn’t he?”

Even tigers can be trained to lethargy and ambivalence. Friends, we need to be cautious.

These are two things that I used to keep me sane even when I was working for someone I didn’t like.

1.) 1.) Exercise outdoors.

Although it may sound cliché, there is actually a physical release of endorphins when your body is exerting itself. Don’t be offended!

We are all animals. You are an animal.

Just like the tiger at the carnival, your body desires physical freedom of expression… even though your mind doesn’t know it. Even if your physique doesn’t show it. Geoffrey Miller’s The Mating Mind talks about how humans can outlast predators psychologically and physiologically. After thousands of years of evolution, we are now the top predators.

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Have you ever felt like a predator before? You are the most powerful killing machine on this planet, regardless of your physical condition. It’s not easy to believe, but it is true. Although we may not be the fastest or strongest land animal, our unique minds make us the best fighters on this planet.

Profit from this. Get out there and polish the vessel that holds these beautiful gifts. This will help you forget all the BS at work.

2.) 2.) Get passionate about something.

Do you remember when you were a kid, you got a toy that was really fun? Consider the passion that a child has, even for the simplest of things. A child will love a game they enjoy. Sometimes, they cry so much because the toy/game/activity is gone. Children have PASSION.

As young adults, we get so overwhelmed with the tasks that we must complete that we lose sight of what we really want to do. College can feel like a huge to-do list. This course is for you if you need credit in this subject. Blah, blah, blah.

What was the last activity that made you so excited that you couldn’t sleep at night? It’s the kind of activity that makes you want to get out of bed every morning. You’ve probably known it for a while.

Find that passion again.

You should make a conscious effort to find some time for yourself and get involved in things you are passionate about. You can do it all, man. Perhaps you saw Jamie Foxx playing the cello soloist and thought, “That was freaking incredible.” That would be amazing to know.

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It’s not enough to think about it. Get out there and do it.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which are offered by sites like Udacity and Coursera, allow you to take Ivy League-level classes… all for free! Do yourself a favor. Find something that excites you, no matter how small, that will make you want to race home and do it. If you are good enough at what you love, you might even be able to teach others your skills. This has been my main focus over the past year. This is the only way to quit your 9-5 job. Sweet!

Isn’t that passion worth it?

You can be outside and hone your body, as well as identify what you love to do. Then the humdrum of work will seem less daunting because you’ll realize that work is something you do in between passions.