Customer Retention Secrets of Asian Entrepreneurs

Customer Retention Secrets of Asian Entrepreneurs

Are American as well as European entrepreneurs gain from using Asian strategies for customer retention? Many entrepreneurs are aware that loyalty to customers is the primary source of profit for their business. Many business owners focus more on retaining customers than getting new customers. There is a common belief that it’s much cheaper to nurture existing customers and offer greater to these customers than to find new customers. There are a lot of interesting things small-scale businesses are doing to keep their clients. A few of the Asian methods for the retention of customers are especially interesting.

Five Asian Customer Retention Techniques

Like any successful entrepreneur, it’s not easy to figure out how to retain the customers they have and also keep returning. In Asia, keeping customers in the loop isn’t just about profitability; it’s crucial to maintain status in the community. Here are five of the most intriguing methods of customer retention that are being utilized in Asia:

1. Repairs for a small cost

To increase loyal customers, the proprietor of the Atunas sports merchandise store located in Taipei, Taiwan, tells his customers that he’ll be there for them in the event that something is wrong with the product. He hopes to build the impression that Atenas is a renowned company with excellent customer service. If a product fails, He will not be over $5.00 (150 USD) to repair the issue. He believes that this is a service that his customers get, which they can’t get from other retailers of sporting goods. He tells of a customer who used the Atunas backpack for seven or eight years before bringing it back to the store damaged on the front. He charged the customer $5.00 (150 USD) for the repair of it, but this was not enough to pay for shipping charges towards the service center. He’s charging a minimum fee to encourage trust and loyalty.

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2. Moving the Scenery

A strategy to ensure that long-term hotel clients are satisfied is to regularly alter the look of hotel rooms. The Hotel’s management Shanghai La Vie Hotel, has found it relatively cheap and fast to upgrade the rooms at their hotel. For a price of $8000 (50,000 RMB), they can alter the style of the room. In about two months, they can alter the look of 10 rooms within their hotel. To ensure that their customers are satisfied, the rooms of the hotel are always fresh and contemporary. In certain instances, the entire style of the rooms is frequently changed.

3. Changes in Menu

The proprietor of Ding Jen Fong restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan, decided that the restaurant would always evolve its menu by regularly adding new dishes. His aim was to get numerous repeat customers. He believed that they should be treated to new menu items every now and then. In June, for instance, there will be more than twelve new dishes. He’s worried that if he doesn’t introduce new dishes, customers will become bored with the same old menu and will not come to the restaurant. The restaurant’s owner believes that the constantly changing menu is among the reasons why his customers keep coming back time and again and recommend their friends with them.

4. Fast Service

One way the Liu family keeps customers coming back to their farm of strawberries situated in Shanghai, China, is by offering a fast and efficient service. This is because the bakery customers they serve are dealing directly through their farms, not dealing with wholesalers. The Liu’s have discovered that bakeries in Shanghai often have to deal with orders that are urgent due to changes in customer demands. Typically, the Liu’s head out with their trucks at 5:30 am to deliver fresh strawberries. If a customer contacts them to request delivery immediately, However, the Liu’s are able to do that due to their own delivery vehicle. In just a couple of hours, they can fulfill an order in an emergency. The majority of other strawberry farmers can’t achieve this because they sell to wholesalers.

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5. Pay attention to your customers

A lot of companies in Asia listen to their customers and observe their actions. Since relationships are the most important factor in doing business in Asia, most businesses strive to establish personal connections with each customer.


In this time of uncertainty around the world, it’s more crucial than ever before for businesses to maintain their clients. The tracking of customer loyalty is a procedure that every business should follow regularly. As companies grow, however, it becomes difficult to keep personal relationships. However, many entrepreneurs in Asia have established a goal to stay in contact with their clients. From low-cost repair services to quick service and constantly changing menus and hotel decors, these entrepreneurs have come up with creative methods to keep their customers returning.