Creative Freedom Vs Sticking With the Plan

Creative Freedom Vs Sticking With the Plan

Do you think having a plan can stifle your creative spirit? On one side, I like to be immersed in my creative imagination. However, in the absence of plans, I’ll be embarking on a totally different route than I had planned. A well-thought-out planned outcome in mind before you begin writing can help get the results you desire regardless of letting your creative spirit roam free.

A plan defines boundaries

When I develop a brand new product or information product I first write an initial landing page. It helps me make key decisions regarding the nature of the project as well as the outcomes I hope to get. It allows me to determine whom I’m communicating to and what information they require and would like to know, and the outcomes I hope to get from this tool.

A plan eliminates idea clutter

When I make the crucial decision of writing an eBook about creating an opt-in offering, they will immediately focus on the entire project. It clears up a significant part of the ideas chaos that was in place at the time I started the work. It also tells me that I’m not planning to write about the mini-course that I included in the book. I’ll leave that for a later book. I’m not making an online course or video out of this concept, I’ll write one book about a particular area for a certain group of people. Anything not in this direction will be put aside to be used for a different project.

A strategy identifies the most crucial elements

A plan is essential. When you are beginning to create your info product, place yourself in the beginner’s mind. What should they learn first, and secondly? What do you hope your readers to know at the conclusion of this article? What can you do to help them reach the goals you have set? What subject requires a more thorough explanation? What are people already understand? Make sure you keep your ideas in outline form for as long as you can so that you can see the natural flow of the text and ensure the reader is taken to the experience you would like readers to take.

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A plan helps you get measurable results

When you assist people to achieve tangible results, they realize that you are aware of the subject matter and how you can help them. For every task, you must guide your participant through a set of steps leading to a tangible end result. It is important to highlight the results that they have achieved to let them know how far they’ve come. What kind of tangible results do you expect from this project?

Plan can help increase your understanding of yourself

A plan can help you organize and organize your thoughts. It will help you understand your thinking and determine what you’d like to share with your students. When you think about the ideas you have for your audience, you might discover a need to develop a course that walks you through the procedure. When you develop your plan, you’ll be able to see how your concepts can be made into ebooks or videos, or telecourses. You can explore your primary ideas by writing fantastic Cornerstone Content. A plan gives you the opportunity to save ideas that aren’t suitable for the current project, while also allowing you to keep them in mind for the following project. The plan is about making decisions and these choices help you define your goal and direct your efforts on the end result.

Plan ahead to avoid feeling overwhelmed

Once you’ve got a plan, you can begin working at it in small chunks one chapter at a time or an article or two at a time, or one Teleclass at a time. By breaking it down into smaller pieces, you can keep your mind from being overwhelmed. Your strategy will help ensure that you stay on track.

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A strategy can help you remain creatively focused

When you are creating those interactive parts, adding narratives to the content, or as you think of new ideas Your plan will assist to make informed decisions. The process of planning will make you think about the final outcomes you want to achieve and then decide whether to go with any idea that isn’t based on its relevance to the final objective.

A simple plan can help

If you create your outline it’s simple to assess whether you’ve got enough information to fit into the format you’ve chosen. The outline will allow you to divide your idea into series, create a beginning and an intermediate level of a teleclass or even write an ebook series.

Your product promise

Every project should be accompanied by a promise for the product. What are you hoping to convey to the buyer of the product? Your product’s promise will guide your plan, it directs you on the design and colors of the information. The promise of the article reads “At the conclusion of this article, you will realize that making a plan that is solid does not hinder your creativity or freedom, but it allows you to share your ideas in a meaningful way that can change the lives of others.”