5 Lessons I’ve Learned From Moving

5 Lessons I've Learned From Moving

It’s not a difficult task because I have done it 16 times before. That’s the beauty of moving. As my family and I packed up and moved out of our house after ten years, I had the opportunity to reflect on the similarities between being an entrepreneur and moving to a new place.

It’s not that I have orchestrated the perfect move, but because it wasn’t perfect, I’ve been able to look at the similarities between me and my business.

Lesson 1: Make a plan

A good plan is essential for any new project or initiative. It should include who is responsible for what when it will be completed, and the expected results. It is a good idea for others to help you map out your project. Because it is impossible for one person to see all the details, it can be tough to plan everything. To help you, you need to have other eyes and ears.

Lesson 2: Mark the time and stick to it!

Ok, I did a great job on the first part. I set aside lots of time for sorting Goodwill, the dump, and returning items that belonged to other people. And of course, for packing. I found three to four more things that were interesting than packing boxes when it came down to sticking to the schedule. I was then forced to scramble at the last moment to pack everything. Consider your time for work on a business issue as an appointment with your most important client.

Lesson 3: Do a little every day

One boss once asked me how to eat an elephant. People would stare at him with a puzzled expression and say, “One bite at a time.” It’s true that it is best to do a little each day when faced with an overwhelming task. We often think that we need to work on a project for a whole day or more. So we wait and wait and wait until we get the entire day. You know what? Because we rarely, if ever, have a full day without anything on the calendar, it never comes. Take it one step at a time, and continue to work. This is how I approach my packing. A little here and a little there. It is beneficial to work in increments of 90 minutes.

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Lesson #4: Don’t keep doing what doesn’t work for you anymore

We often go down many rabbit holes as entrepreneurs. We love to start new projects. Sometimes we start or implement things that are not working well for us anymore. You sort through many things that you don’t like, don’t want and don’t need anymore, just as you do when you move. Look at your business and ask yourself: What isn’t working? How can I get rid of it?

Lesson #5 – Fear and trepidation can be a part of doing the right thing, even if you are sure it is.

This was the best lesson I have learned. Since our wedding, my husband and I have planned to move. We wanted it to be something that was good for our family. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have fear about doing something you really want. That was the surprise. Fear is something I usually feel when I’m not sure I want to do something or move in a specific direction. So it was surprising that I felt fear about this movie. Fear can paralyze us, just like fear in business when we have a clear goal to achieve. It’s important to remember that fear can hold us back. We must overcome it, believe we are on the right track, and then just go for it.

I look forward to moving from Point A to Point B. I am grateful for the time spent in this house, in this community, as well as looking forward to meeting new friends and making new connections in our new community. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned over the past month. I hope they will be helpful to your business.

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Mandy Schumaker is the President of Higher Performing People. She was a newspaper sales and management executive. She has extensive experience in leadership development, executive coaching, facilitation, team building, and sales and marketing. She is able to help entrepreneurs and executives stay focused and hold others accountable. This helps them become more productive and effective leaders.