Have You Checked For Changes Recently?

Have You Checked For Changes Recently

Two elements are constantly changing in your life: the environment in which you work and yourself.

Examine the environment for any changes to your business
My friend’s ability to help authors promote their books was the foundation of her business. Two significant changes have taken place in publishing: marketing has changed from selling to teaching, and the publishing industry has opened up so that anyone can self-publish their digital books. These significant changes forced her to rethink her target audience and what she wanted to offer them. Publishing a book is all about building your platform. Does she like to provide courses on platform building, or should she stop writing? She wanted to work with a beginner author or someone who has been writing for some time. These are the two most important decisions you will make in determining how your business can be repurposed.

You should check for any changes.

My interests have changed. As I slowly transition into retirement, I’m looking for ways to remain relevant. This is what I want to think about. This is what I want. This is what I want to write. This has changed my target audience from people who want to create information products to entrepreneurs facing retirement with their ideas still calling them. Now, I have to determine what my target audience needs and what I can offer. This requires me to let go of what I have done so far and to look at what I’m willing and able to do next. It is difficult to let go of the past, but it is necessary to allow yourself to embrace the future.

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What have you learned?

You may make a change in your business if you have a new skill. My coaching business became more focused on information products as I improved my skills in creating them. Although I don’t yet have the ability to stay relevant in retirement, I am working on it. What are some of the new skills you have acquired that you can use to help others?

Has your passion shifted?

It was shocking to realize that I wasn’t interested in what I was doing. Because I knew how to develop information products, I decided to stop coaching people. I wanted to explore. I wanted to discover something new and relevant to my interests. I was captivated by a new passion and had to adapt my business to meet it.

Keep an eye out for any changes in your neighborhood.

You don’t need to create a new community when you move your business. All you have to do is notice what they are doing differently and make changes. I know that my neighbors are getting older, and I recognize this. They are changing. They are starting to think about slowing down and retiring. And they will be facing the same challenges as me. While I could try to reach a new audience, why not continue serving those who know me and those whom I have done? It is enough for me to identify their needs and offer what I can.

Pay attention to the warning signs.

This repositioning shift has been on my mind for several months. Uncertain about what I wanted to do left me feeling stuck and even lost. Finally, I decided to write something about creatively transitioning into retirement. This was a topic that I was interested in on a personal level, and I knew it would be relevant to others. Personal growth is not easy. It is much easier to coach someone on how to make an ebook than it is to help them discover and develop their passion. As I watched my progress, I noticed the questions that I was asking myself. I started to envision how I would coach others – the questions, exercises, and sequences I would use. I created a coaching program. Coaching is something I enjoy and can help others move in the right direction. Are there signs in your life asking you to make changes?

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Refine your offer

What can I offer? What are people looking for? This can take many forms. I am able to write. I can give courses. I am a coach. I can write articles. I will write essays. Entrepreneurs who want to retire with their creativity intact will be able to repurpose their talents and passion so that they feel more productive and relevant. I will promote awareness and help people find their balance.

What do you do to help people you don’t know? What changes do you need to make in order for the market and you to change?