Shopping Carts, Autoresponders and Merchant Accounts – Oh My!

Shopping Carts, Autoresponders and Merchant Accounts - Oh My!

You’ve got this fantastic idea for a business, and you’re sure there’s a demand for it. You’ve created a strong business strategy and product, and you’re clear on the message you’d like it to communicate and the best way to present it in a manner that is valuable to the ideal customer.

What do you do now…

It is imperative to find that solution and you, to your intended public.

We are increasingly relying on technology to help us get our message across. We’re no longer putting advertisements in the newspaper or mailing direct mail. We’re using autoresponders. We’re accepting payments online through the account for merchants, and we’ve got electronic shopping carts. It’s an incredible opportunity to market your products to a bigger and more international marketplace than before. What entrepreneurs are they supposed to keep up with the ever-changing technology? Learn how to utilize the latest technology, figure out what technology is right for them, and concentrate on the creative thinking that is required to drive their business and come up with new products.

And the options!!

Do you know how to navigate through it all? When you require help, what do you do?

When our clients begin with us, they’re not only confused by what technology and software they’re trying to make use of but also struggling to determine whether the item they’ve bought is the right one for their needs.

Here are our top five suggestions for exploring all of the possibilities for entrepreneurs of today:

1. If you’re on the road, meet with your colleagues

about the software they’re using and whether they’re happy with not just “what” it can do, however, but also the level of customer support they’ve received. This is particularly important when you’re deciding where to put your mailing list. There is a variety of options. You should take into consideration not only what you’d like it to accomplish now but also what you’d like it to accomplish six months or a year in the future. Be aware that if you transfer the mailing lists of your subscribers from one site to the next, it could result in losing 50 to 70 percent of your list of subscribers. Be careful when choosing your platform.

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2. Do your own study.

What’s comprised inside the “base” package? Are there any additional training options included? Does the software grow with you? Are upgrades to the basic package included? What is the length of time that this business has been in operation?

3. Find the reviews on products on the internet.

What are other customers saying about their experience (or lack of)? Do you see more negative than positive comments? Are you hearing identical complaints by several users, but they appear unsolved?

4. Test before buying.

Many products come with the opportunity for a trial which you should definitely avail of. Start playing around. Join friends in your newsletter. Sign for yourself. Are you pleased with the style and look you’ve created?

5. Contact their customer service.

What is their expertise? Are they available? Do they have testimonials from clients with similar businesses to yours? Are they comfortable with the platform that your website is built on? Don’t be afraid to ask questions, lots of them.

As a business owner, you don’t have to be able to do it all the time, but you need to be aware of what technology can do to you and the ways you could make use of it to benefit your company. Do not rush into making an investment you’re not ready to purchase, as your company will grow, so make sure that the technology you select will develop with your business.