Achieving Independence Through Entrepreneurship

Achieving Independence Through Entrepreneurship

For autistic adults, finding and keeping meaningful work is a constant challenge. The statistics don’t look good for autistic adults. Approximately 80% are unemployed or underemployed by the time they finish high school. Although there are many job training options that can be worthwhile, access to opportunities can sometimes be difficult. A business that is based on your interests or natural abilities can be a great way to gain momentum. This isn’t a path for the faint-hearted, but it is becoming more popular among autistic adults who see entrepreneurship as a way to achieve independence. Many autistic people are not following the traditional path of getting a job right out of high school. This is due to a variety of reasons. Many people who are employed work part-time in family businesses or seasonal jobs.

What business opportunities are most suitable for autistic adults and what types of businesses would they prefer? There is no one category that will attract all autistic people. Autistic adults who are autistic find their way in a variety of occupational fields. While some fields are well-known, others are surprisingly attracting new interest from the autism community. Software testers were a popular choice when autism employment was discussed. This is because there are very few software tester jobs available. Even more importantly, not all autistic adults want to do this kind of work. Many are taking matters into their own hands due to the resistance of corporations to hiring people with autism. Individuals with autism can own and operate a variety of bakeries and studios because they have an interest in baking or artistic skills. One is managed by one person while others have employees who are also autistic. This creates jobs and gives back to the community through civic responsibilities.

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Here is a list containing employment opportunities in which autistic adults are able to use their talents to make a fulfilling life.

1. This is a rewarding

job for animal lovers who love caring for injured animals. Some autistic people fear being near pets. Others simply enjoy being with furry friends. This career is for the right person. It offers a lot of personal satisfaction and can be a rewarding one.

2. Landscape Professional

Someone who is able to see the big picture and has a passion for landscaping could be a great fit. Modern landscaping is bolder, with colorful arrangements that express creativity and individual taste. It can be difficult to make use of different textures and open spaces, but it is rewarding for those who are willing to work hard. Outdoor living spaces are a very popular feature in-home designs, which bodes well for future landscaping jobs.

3. Architect

This skill requires specialization in order to plan and design structures for commercial or residential purposes. Combining spatial recognition with mathematical ability can make this a rewarding career. This may not be for everyone but those who love creating blueprints and working with clients may find it appealing.

4. Graphic Designer

A digital world is full of growing online content means that graphic designers are highly sought after. This is an area with great potential for growth, as there are many platforms from which to choose. This area is not for everyone, as it requires precision and accuracy. It can also be stressful to meet strict deadlines. It is worth looking into.

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5. Coffee shop owner

There are many benefits to owning a coffee shop other than a great cup of coffee. Coffee shops are a great place to meet new people and build relationships with business professionals. It is essential to have good organizational skills and the ability to communicate with strangers. Highly motivated people could use this skill to achieve financial and personal independence.

George D. Williams MS is an author who focuses on the issues facing the growing population of autistic adults. He is also the founder of Centurion Publishing Services, which offers editorial support to authors and financial institutions.