12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas

What can we do to assist our clients and ourselves in December? Do we have the time to enjoy the Christmas season and get ready for the New Year at the same time? Yes. Here are some ideas:

12 months to plan.

Prepare your calendars in both electronic, paper, and whiteboards for 2014 prepared to go. Record actual dates, take note of travel details and note important occasions.

11-holiday cards.

Send cards (handwritten. You’ve heard how to do it) to at least 11 individuals who weren’t on your list initially, and then promise to keep in touch by contacting them again in the month of January.

10 Follow-up phone calls.

Make ten calls to anyone new or businesses that use similar services to yours. Then, send a follow-up email in January at the beginning of the month.

9 Office Files.

Clear out the nine folders inside your workspace. Get rid of anything you do not require. Don’t get caught up in everything else you can accomplish. Concentrate on getting only nine documents in order.

8 Ideas for blog or article.

Go out for a cup of coffee and write notes on eight articles you’d like to write and for whom. Utilize index cards or programs such as Evernote to take notes, or arrange your research using a program such as Pocket or Poster to make your blog or article appear impressive. (add hyperlinks)

7 Throw Social Media candy.

Like Mardi Gras. My friend Gina Carr (www.ginacarr.com) says to throw out social media candy to help others. Likes and compliments on Facebook and blogs, commenting on blogs and sharing on G+, and retweeting can all benefit others. In the 12 days leading up to Christmas, you should try to engage with a minimum of seven every day with new people.

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6 New activities.

We can easily fall into a routine, and sometimes we get stuck in a routine. Check your calendar and plan six events that are intriguing to you. You can also consider places in which you could meet new people or do something completely new. The first time you attend a new event, it can be uncomfortable. Try to enjoy the experience.

5 Referrals.

Send five referrals to those who are able to hire the individuals who you recommend. Introduce yourself and help facilitate the coordination.

4 Books.

Find four books that you would like to read in this first trimester of 2014, and buy the books today, or request them in time for Christmas. I usually focus on marketing, sales, as well as other business-related books. However, don’t forget that you can also take a look at biographies and other fiction books to spark ideas and inspire creativity.

3 . Trusted Advisors.

Everyone needs to be educated. Choose three people that you admire and ask them questions specific to their needs, and listen attentively. Do not take the majority of their time. Be sure of what you would like assistance with, and then be generous in your thanks to them. Keep in mind that people of different generations have different views. So, so take advantage of their diversity.

2 Smartphones.

This is the perfect opportunity to make an upgrade to your phone and your phone plan (holiday sales are everywhere) and ensure you have an affordable, efficient plan for yourself as well as your staff.

1. Find a partridge under the midst of a pear tree.

A secluded beach. Or a European castle. Or a relaxing weekend with movies and take-out. Find out a bit about the area and make plans for a 2014 getaway. Planning a vacation of a few days provides us with the opportunity of looking forward to as well as the chance to recharge. Plan time with loved ones and be grateful for your loved ones.

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Be thankful and grateful for the things we are able to enjoy. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunities which allow us to operate as well as for our incredible communities, skilled colleagues, talented associates and the chance to serve others both in the non-profit and business world.

We are wishing you all a good festive season and a joyful New Year!